University of Virginia Library




Ω Πελιου θυγατερ, κ.τ.λ.
—l. 435.

Fare thee well, good and fair, Pelias's noble heir,
Thy course is done;
Good and gracious things betide thee,
In the dark mansion that must hide thee,
From yon fair sun.
The Sovereign of the Realm. And he that at the Helm
Steers in the murky stream his dusky wherry,
(Wafting the feeble sprites that flit below,)
Shall hear and know,
That never did a nobler spirit pass
The Infernal Ferry.
Firm and fond, far far beyond
The best of woman-kind that have been ever;
Whilst here on earth above,
Thy constant worth and love,
Shall form the theme of emulous endeavour,
Wherever minstrels sing—or where they strike the string:
Whether in Sparta's ancient state austere,
When the revolving year
Brings round the high Karneian festival,
And the moon's awful and full orbed ball,
Fills and illumines all:
Or where proud Athens hails the festive day,
With pomp and art and prosperous display.


Μη συ νουθετει, κ.τ.λ.
—l. 855.

The Demon of Madness is represented as having a certain feeling of justice and right, averse to exercising her power, but at the same time having a pleasure in it. She has been remonstrating with Iris, who answers:

Don't remonstrate, Juno's order justifies you, never fear,
You've a warrant for your errand, and you come, commission'd here,


For a sudden execution, not to parley and debate.

Heaven and earth I call to witness. I protest and invocate,
Every power that sees and hears us, and the sun's all-viewing eye,
To record that, as a vassal, on compulsion I comply.
Since the fates have so decreed it, and you bring me tied and bound,
Train'd to chase the prey before me, like a huntsman with a hound,
Here I go then!—Nor the tempest, nor the deep earth quaking shock,
Nor the speed of angry lightning, nor the bolt that splits the rock,
With a fiercer haste and heat shall hurry than shall I to seize,
And overturn and storm the breast and brain of Hercules.
First, I mean to slay the children, nor shall he—the father—he,
Know the deed his hands are doing, 'till I leave his spirit free.
—Now the storm begins to shake him—life and death are in debate,—
—Look before you—there! behold him—low'ring at the palace gate—
Mark the turn his eyes are taking—and the forehead, bending low,
Breathing hard and angry like the bull that meditates a blow—
Invocating earth and hell, and all the dreary powers below.
There you stand entranced and idle! I shall rouse and shake ye soon—
Hand in hand, a surly partner dancing to a bloody tune.
—Iris, hence! to fair Olympus, speed aloft your airy flight.—
I proceed within the palace—creeping onward out of sight.


ΠΕΡΙ ΚΑΘΑΡΜΩΝ.—Frag. 77 & 78.

Ω φιλοι οι μεγα αστυ, κ.τ.λ.

Friends! kinsmen! inmates of the noble town,
Whose rocky-planted turrets guard and crown
Old Agrigentum's memorable seat;
Famous for courteous cheer and converse sweet,
My fellow-citizens!—I greet you well:
Within your gentle precincts here I dwell,


An earthly sojourner, but honoured more
Than ever human mortal was before,
Even as a visible Deity; with a crown,
With garlands and with fillets falling down,
With such a pomp of ornament, I meet
Your daily gaze, and move along the street.
When to the neighbouring city, as befals,
My progress leads me, far without the walls,
The multitude flock forth and crowd the way,
Men, women, old and young, in long array,
Eager in admiration or concern,
To know, what it imports them most to learn,
Of omens, expiations, prophecies,
Or politic advisements, deep and wise,
Or means of public safety for defence
Against the wasting power of pestilence—
Oh, poor pre-eminence! how mean! how base!
Amidst this earthly, transitory race,
To boast of worldly power, or name, or place.