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The Daily Progress historical and industrial magazine

Charlottesville, Virginia, "The Athens of the South"
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"Black Cat" Billard Parlors.

In the old post-office building corner
of Main and Second streets, right in
the very heart of the city, has just been
opened one of the largest and finest
pool and billiard rooms in Central
Virginia. Its progressive proprietor is
Mr. B. B. Butt, Jr., a gentleman who
is recognized as one of Charlottesville's
go-ahead young men, and his personal
popularity is attested by the large and
influential business his establishment
receives. Only high class, respectable
patrons are catered to, and no boisterous
or ungentlemanly conduct is
tolerated. The parlors are fitted up in
the most approved and luxurious
manner. The four pool and one
billiard tables are of the very latest

improved Brunswick-Balke make,
with return gutter pockets, while all
the wood work is of carved quarter
oak. The cues are of all the regulation
weights and are ivory tipped. The
balls are made from the very best
African tusk ivory that money can
buy. The establishment is highly
illuminated by scores of Edison incandescent
lights and gas and the walls
are covered with rich crimson Scotch
burlap, which gives the place a tone of
magnificence and grandeur as seldom
seen outside of the great Metropolitan
cities. The Black Cat Pool Room is
heated by steam and comfortable easy
chairs are tastefully arranged about
the resort. In connection with this is
the cigar and tobacco stand where
lovers of the seductive weed may purchase
the most delightful and fragrant
Havana cigar ever smoked by mortal
man. This is undoubtedly the best
and most wholesome resort of its kind
in Charlottesville for gentlemen to
spend a social hour in innocent
amusement. Mr. Butt is a popular
and prominent member of Royal
Arcanum and the Junior Order American