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The Daily Progress historical and industrial magazine

Charlottesville, Virginia, "The Athens of the South"
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J. C. Matthews.

The health of a community depends
largely upon the bread distributed by
its bakers, and one of our prominent
leaders in this line is Mr. J. C.

Matthews, whose store is located at 313
and 315 East Main street. Only the
purest flour and other ingredients are
used in the makeup of his goods thus
insuring them to be perfectly pure.
The store is a large one while the baking
department is located in the rear
of the main building and is fitted with
all the most modern machinery and
paraphernalia necessary to the work
at hand. Several hands are employed
and the sanitary conditions are as
perfect as it is possible to get them.
In addition to bread all classes of high
grade pastries are made and their excellence
is too well known to need
retelling. Aside from his baking
department Mr. Matthews conducts
one of the largest ice cream manufactories
in the city and his output in this
branch bears the reputation of being
the finest in the city. He also carries
a large supply of toys, cakes, fancy
ices, nuts and candies and makes a
specialty of Appollo and Lowney's
high grade candies. Several wagons
are utilized in delivering goods and the
trade is extending rapidly. Mr.
Matthews was born in Hanover County,
and came here in 1876 and entered
the grocery business. He remained in
that until 1882 when he opened the
establishment he now conducts under
the firm name of Thomas and Matthews.
In 1886 Mr. Matthews purchased
the Thomas interests and has
since conducted the business himself.