An Abridgeme[n]t of all the Canonical books of the olde Testament written in Sternholds meter by VV. Samuel |
I. |
II. |
III. |
IV. |
An Abridgeme[n]t of all the Canonical books of the olde Testament | ||
The first book of the Chronicles.
The i. chapiter.
Adam his ligne is heer exprest,to Iacob and Esau:
Then haue you tolde what kings did rule
the Edomites by law:
Eight kings they had before the time,
that Israel had a King:
What Dukes they had ye may haue there
if you inquire the thing.
The ii. Chapiter.
Begin the second Chapter dooth,with Iacob and his sonnes:
And then of Iudahs progeny
it next in order comes.
Seauen were the sonnes that Isay had,
whose father was Obed:
And Dauid yungest was of them,
yet was he made their hed.
The iii. chapiter.
Concubines diuers Dauid had,of sonnes he had nineteen:
In Hebron sixe, Hierusalem
there had he iust thirteen.
in whiche was Salomon:
The Kings that ruled after him,
the chapter telleth on.
The iiii. chapiter.
Drawn out is then the ligne and stockof Iudah and his kin:
In wanting food to feed their sheep
good pasture they did win.
Of Simions sonnes somewhat is said
how valiantly they went:
They beeing few yet sped they wel,
and had their whole intent.
The v. chapiter.
Euil fauoured lust to fathers wifelost Ruben his birthright:
And Iosephs stock came in his roum,
a people ful of might.
Yet is his stock heer tolde, and what
a noble fight they fought:
A land they wan, but after fel,
from God, who draue them out.
The vi. Chapiter.
Folowing on of Leuies ligneexpressed is at large:
that had the preestly charge.
Citties they had of other tribes,
for refuge, and besides
For them, and their posterities,
as lots to them were guides.
The vii. Chapiter.
Going on foorth by Israel,to tel who came of him:
Of Izacar and Beniamin,
Manasses and Ephraim.
Then Ephraims stock by men of Gath,
were slain whiche made him sad:
His freends did comfort him right wel,
and then a sonne he had.
The viii. chapiter.
Hear more is tolde of Beniamin,his sonnes by right discent
How they begat from childe to childe
and lineally foorth went.
Out of which tribe came foorth king Saul
and of his sonnes by rowe:
Is tolde and eke of valiant men,
that shot wel in a bowe.
The ix. chapiter.
in certain tribes by name:
The Leuites and the cheefest preestes
that were of greatest fame.
The ouerseears of the woorks,
the porters in their charge:
The oyntment makers & vessel keepers,
are heer tolde out at large.
The x. chapiter.
King Saule is slain by Philistins,and Ionathas his sonne:
His body stript his hed cut of,
after the feeld was wun.
The cause is tolde why he was slain:
by councelling with the Deuil:
And Dauid brought into his raign,
who rooted out muche euil.
The xi. chapiter.
Like as the Lord had promisedby Samuel his man:
So Dauid now is chosen King,
Hierusalem he wan.
His noble men are tolde by name
and eke their mightie actes
He that wil read the chapter out,
shall hear of woorthy factes.
The xii. chapiter.
Men that of might were meruailous,to Dauid now did flock:
And suche as knew the feates of warres
came out of euery stock.
Out of eche tribe good souldiers,
their captains with their number,
Are heer so tolde and with suche hart?
as might make Dauid wunder.
The xiii. chapiter.
Now Dauid heer dooth councel takethe Ark first home to bring:
Whiche Saule did nothing care to doo
as long as he was king.
And one was slain for touching it
when as the Ark did shake:
So came it short to Sion hil,
it made the king to quake.
The xiiii. chapiter.
Of woork men and of Ceder trees,sent to him heer is tolde:
Wherby his kingdome stablished,
to say he durst be bolde.
His sonnes and wiues are then exprest,
the Philistines inuade:
he flue them in a slade.
The xv. chapiter.
Prepare did he a multitude,for to fetche home the Ark:
The Leuites bare it on their backs,
plesantly sang eche clark.
With shouting noise and instruments
and Dauid daunst his part:
The daintie damsel Michol then,
despisde him in her hart.
The xvi. chapiter.
Quietly now the Ark is set,the tabernacle vnder:
The preestes appointed to giue thanks,
according to their number.
A Psalme he made in praise of God,
to laud his holy name:
In the hundred and the fift Psalme
there shall ye finde the same.
The xvii. chapiter.
Refuse did God that Dauid shouldan house vnto him build:
But as before so would he stil,
dwel vnder tent in feeld.
a house he was content:
Then lauded he the Lord therfore,
sitting within his tent.
The xviii. Chapiter.
Suche battailes then as Dauid foughtthis chapter dooth declare:
The Philistines, the Moabites,
they all subdued are.
The Edomites with other Kings,
did Dauid ouerthrowe:
And those that were his rulers cheef,
their names heer may ye knowe.
The xix. chapiter.
Then Dauid sent of right good wil,a new King for to greet:
The messengers were madly shauen
their cotes cut ful vnmeet.
Suche wrath their maister took therfore
that battail gan to broile:
The Moabites, the Aramites,
they fled and had the spoile.
The xx. chapiter.
When Princes vse in battaile raytheir armies to set out:
and took a King ful stout.
Whose crown was set on Dauids head,
whiche waid a waightie waight:
Suche Giants then were ouerthrowne
as lackt no strength nor height.
The xxi. chapiter.
According as the Deuil did tempt,Dauid did tel his flock:
Of three hard stripes the Pestilence,
he chose to be his stroke.
Three score and ten thousands of men,
the Angel did deuour:
The plague is ceast, an aulter built,
vpon a threshing floure.
The xxii. chapiter.
Being at rest now in his seat,all things he dooth prouide:
Wherwith to build to God an house,
at the apointed tide.
Good councel to his sonne he giues,
for to erect the same:
His noble men he dooth exhorte,
to help the woork to frame.
The xxiii. Chapiter.
by Dauid for to reign:
The preesthood eke of Leuies kinde,
was numbered again.
Then Aarons stock and Moyses ligne
are pointed bothe as one:
Their names and eke their offices,
for them to wait vpon.
The xxiiij. chapiter.
Deuision of Aarons seed,the king by lot did make:
And so eche man that had his roum,
by lot he did it take.
Yet was there left of Amrams house,
whose names by course are tolde:
And lots were cast for equalues,
betwixt the yung and olde.
The xxv. chapiter.
Eche man that should on instrument,his melody to play:
And Prophecies to sing therto,
were pointed out that day.
Their names are tolde by lotted lot
who set to eche degree
The songs of God, onely they sung
in laudes of God perdie.
The xxvi. chapiter.
For porters men were pointed outto keep the south and west:
For other gates besides therto,
and for the north and East.
Where spoiles were laid in battail wun,
and giftes giuen by the powers:
Fit men were chose and pointed out,
therof to keep the doores.
The xxvii. chapiter.
Gides & captains the whiche did rule,eche month their pointed race:
Their names and number heer is tolde
from tribe to tribe in place.
Ouerseears of diuers things,
this chapter dooth you tel:
What names they had, what was their charge
and of the Kings councel.
The xxviij. chapiter.
How Dauid calld the multitude,and then said vnto them:
God me denide, and plight my sonne
to build Hierusalem.
He gaue his sonne a goodly charge
and of the woork the plat.
and men of skilful art.
The xxix. chapiter.
In Golde and eke in siluer bothein Iron and in Brasse:
That Dauid left, and what he gaue,
and eke how muche it was.
With what the princes all did giue
how Salomon was crownd:
His fathers death and yeeres of reign,
all this may hear be found.
The first book of the Chronicles,
is come to his last line:
The chapters are a score by tale,
and therto putting nine.
From Adam vnto Dauids reign,
thus Esdras hath you tolde:
VVho writ these books of Chronicles,
the Iewes of them so holde.
In ample maner is exprest,
how that he kept his charge:
I mean of Dauids princely life,
is heer tolde you at large.
Of Salomons ruling of them
and eke of princes mo:
Now shalbe tolde if God permit,
in order as they go.
is come to his last line:
The chapters are a score by tale,
and therto putting nine.
From Adam vnto Dauids reign,
thus Esdras hath you tolde:
VVho writ these books of Chronicles,
the Iewes of them so holde.
In ample maner is exprest,
how that he kept his charge:
I mean of Dauids princely life,
is heer tolde you at large.
Of Salomons ruling of them
and eke of princes mo:
Now shalbe tolde if God permit,
in order as they go.
The second book of the Chronicles.
The first Chapiter:
An offring great at Salomō made,what likte, God bad him craue:
Long life nor welth, ne wrathful wrath
he cared not to haue.
But wisdome askt, God did him graunt
and welth with honour fraught:
The store of Golde and costly things,
were out of Egipt brought.
The ii. chapiter.
Build would he now to God an house,as leaue was to him let:
His woork men tolde, and also how
more to them he did get.
Of letters sent to king of Tire,
and eke their whole contents:
And how with like he sent again,
wherto the king consents.
The iii. chapiter.
Cause did now this Salomon Kingthe house of God to build:
whiche stood in Moriah feeld.
Eche porche & house the length & bredth.
the cherubs with their wings:
The vale of silk and pillers bothe,
this chapter to you mings.
The iiii. chapiter.
Deuisde of brasse an aulter was,and eke a molten sea:
With Oxen for to bear it vp,
eche quarter three to stay.
Candlesticks, cauldrons, tables ten,
with beesoms and fleshe hooks:
And other things as he may see
who so the Chapters looks.
The v. chapiter.
Eche thing that Dauid had bequestto God by dedication:
Is put into the temple then,
after a solemn fashion.
The Ark and that that was therin,
is brought therto also:
The singing men and instruments
ful plesantly did blowe.
The vi. chapiter.
Faith made the King to God to pray,when he his flock had blest:
With armes spred out and bowed knees,
thus made he his request.
That when the people did offend,
and for their sinne were strook:
If in that place they praid to him,
that he would on them look.
The vii. chapiter.
God likte his prayer then so wel,that fire so down he sent
And burned vp the sacrifice,
his glory was present.
And graunt he did the Kings request
to him conditionally:
If he and his would walke vpright,
els would he all destroy.
The viii. chapiter.
How Salomon Citties did makethis chapter dooth you tel:
And how he brought his wife to home,
in house where shee should dwel
The offrings that he offred then,
are eke vnto you tolde:
And how he sent his men in ships,
to Opher fetching golde.
The ix. chapiter.
In fame his name was spred abrode,wherby of Saba Queen:
Came him to see, who praisd him muche
when shee his state had seen.
His yeerly rentes how long he rulde
his treasure and his grace:
His riches, and his seeking to
the ending of his race.
The x. chapiter.
Knowing his death his sonne did reignecalled Rehoboam:
Who beeing rulde by counsel euil
muche trouble therby came.
For then the people did rebel,
and chose another hed:
Ten tribes did shrink away from him
whom Ieroboam led.
The xi. chapiter.
Leese did the King his labour thenhis army beeing prest:
And Citties strong with speed he made
to keep his land in rest.
Rehoboam of whom we speak
did marry many wiues.
and eke how many liues.
The xii. chapiter.
Made is the kingdome sure & strong,from God they all declinde
God sent them foes for to inuade,
for breaking of his minde.
A Prophet tolde them of their faults
to God they did conuert:
He turnd his wrath, the King had peace,
and so hee did depart.
The xiii. chapiter.
Now when his sonne calld Abiahsucceeded in his place:
Then made he war with Israel,
telling to them the cace.
He put his trust in God alone,
Ieroboam had the woorst.
He dide a death vnknowne to vs,
as one that was acurst.
The xiiii. chapiter.
Of Abiahs death this chapter telles,and eke of Asas reign:
What peace he had how God he sarud
destroying Idols vain.
when warres to him was sent:
And how the Lord gaue him the spoile
in Cittie and in tent.
The xv. chapiter.
Prophesy did a Prophet then,to Asa him to bolde:
Bothe he and his did swear and vow
Gods law to keep and holde.
The contrary should die the death,
that would not God obay:
He put his mother from her seat,
and burnt her Idoll gay.
The xvi. chapiter.
Quarelling wise the Israel King,built Rama in the way:
And Asa golde to Bennadab sent
Baasahs rage to stay.
A Prophet did rebuke the fact,
to prison was he sent:
The King is sick and phisick seeks
more then th'omnipotent.
The xvii. chapiter.
Right wel Iehosophat did rulesucceeding Aass reign:
it turned to his gain.
His Lords he sent to teache the flock
whole Iuda thorowe out:
His Citties mand, his gard was great,
of thousands round about.
The xviii. chapiter.
So ioynd with Ahab peace he made,then with the Israel king:
Whose Prophetes all did tel a lie,
but Micha truthe did bring.
In prison he is cast therfore
the Kings to battaile wentt
Iehosaphat he scaped hard,
but Ahabs life was spent.
The xix. chapiter.
Then was the King of Iuda shent,for ayding in that feeld:
But then to Gods almightie law
he did make his to yeeld.
As ruler cheef of bothe thestates,
of clergie and of lay:
To vnder heds he gaue a charge,
that there remaines for ay.
The xx. chapiter.
whole Iuda to destroy:
He prayers made a Prophet said,
they should not them anoy.
The hoste was slain the spoile was great
yet as before he fel:
Therof being tolde the lines doo lead,
and of his end doo tel.
The xxi. chapiter.
As this King had ended his reign,Iehoram had his place:
His brethern slain he did mar all
in going Ahabs race:
O look his end what blood him wan,
a Prophet did him chide:
Troubled wt warres & sicknes straunge
moste wretchedly he dide.
The xxii. chapiter.
Beeing without a King they tooke,Ahaziahu by name:
His mothers wil he so perfourmd,
as did bring to him blame.
Iehu him slue whiche beeing noisd,
Athalia it heard:
The kingly stock shee kild to reign,
but Ioas scaped hard.
The xxiii. chapiter.
Cunningly is he crowned KingAthalia shee is slain:
Ball is burst his preestes are kild
true seruice plaste again.
The officers set in comely wise,
the hie preest did this deed:
The King is seen and set in seat,
all things did wel proceed.
The xxiiii. chapiter.
Deny did none but eche did giuethe temple to repair
The preestes were slack it would not serue
the King had godly care.
Iehoiada dead he fel from faith,
and Zachari he slue:
He foild in warres and sick is slain
his seruantes were vntrue.
The xxv. chapiter.
Edom is put now to his flight,the traytors eke are kild:
The King did trust in multitudes
he turnd as he was wild:
He fel from God, he was rebukte
Amaziahu he hight.
and kild he was in flight.
The xxvi. chapiter.
Faln a sleep his heire dooth reignVsias was his name:
He reigned wel til pride him took,
then lost he all his fame.
To Churche he yed incence to make
a Leaper home he went:
He dwelt alone, his sonne did rule
to buriall so he went.
The xxvij. chapiter.
God set in place his sonne Iotham,who reigned rightfully:
Saue that to churche he would not go,
his folke liu'de wickedly
The Ammonites he ouercame,
Golde with wheat they him gaue:
In peace and rest to graue he went,
so writ of him ye haue.
The xxviii. chapiter.
Heire to Iotham was Ahaz King,the false way he did take:
The Assire and the Israel head,
they made his kingdome shake.
his realm was throughly vext:
The more he felt the woorse he delt,
a better ruled next.
The xxjx. chapiter.
In royall state Hezekia,obtayned now the crown:
The temple clensd he did erect,
that was before put down.
Oblations, and sacrifice,
and offrings that were great:
So hee and his thus serued God
thus setled he his seat.
The xxx. chapiter.
Knowledge was giuē by letters sent,the paske for to be kept:
Some laught, some mockt, & some came vp
thus were the people hept.
Together as one a fortnight space,
the paskal Lamb was eaten:
And if the King had not stept in,
some had of God been beaten.
The xxxi. chapiter.
Look what became conuerted menwas doon as men reuiude:
who liued of things were tithd:
Such heaps were giuen that they might wait
wholy vpon their charge:
Their wiues and sonnes were cared for,
they had all things at large.
The xxxii. chapiter.
Multitudes of souldiours came,then out of Assur land:
An Angel did destroy the hoste,
God took the thing in hand.
Then Iuda King his hart was great,
but sicknes did him tame:
More yeeres he had, he liued riche,
and died in great fame.
The xxxiii. chapiter.
Not wel, but euil, Manasses reignd,vntil that he was bound:
Then prayers he made and did repent
and fauour streight he found.
Restored home he made away,
the Idols that were vain:
His sonne rulde il, his men him flue,
and for it were they slain.
The xxxiiii. chapiter.
heer now to you is tolde:
He sought for God and trimd his house
his zeale was nothing colde.
The law was found and he it heard,
he rent his cote in sunder:
As he was wild, he serued God
so did likewise a number.
The xxxv. chapiter.
Passeouer was then held and kept,Iosias so it bad:
From Samuels dayes before that time
the like had not been had.
He needs would fight with Egipt King
yet Necho him forbad:
So slain he was and buriall made,
his flock with mourning clad.
The xxxvi. chapiter.
Quite quenched was the law of GodKing after King it foild:
Some were put down, some captiue led
their temple eke was spoild.
They warned, mockt, to Babilon,
so were they led as sheep:
At seuentie yeeres they did return,
so Cirus thought it meet.
Thus ended are the Chronicles.
two books they doo contain:
The Iewes in one compile them bothe,
to long, we make them twain.
VVhen Esdras came from Babilon,
the kingly acts destroyd:
He pend these writs of breef rehearse,
no man hath them anoid.
two books they doo contain:
The Iewes in one compile them bothe,
to long, we make them twain.
VVhen Esdras came from Babilon,
the kingly acts destroyd:
He pend these writs of breef rehearse,
no man hath them anoid.
An Abridgeme[n]t of all the Canonical books of the olde Testament | ||