University of Virginia Library


The Princess in Tartary.

Belongey China Empelor,
My make one piecee sing:
He catchee one cow-chilo,
She waifo Tartar king,
Hab lib in colo lan',
Hab stop where ice belong,
What-tim much solly in-i-sy
She makee t'his sing-song:
“He wind he wailo 'way,
He wind he wailo 'long,
An' bleeze blow ovely almon'-tlee,
An' cally a birdo song.
“Too muchee li to China-side
T'hat-place he tlee glow high,
My fáta blongey palacee,
All golo in-i-sy,


My wantchee look-see máta,
He máta wantchee kai,
My tinkey Mongol fashiono
No plopa fashion my.
Ai! wind he wailo 'way,
Ai! wind he wailo long,
An' bleeze blow ovely almon'-tlee,
An' cally a birdo song!
“He birdo wailo Pay-chin,
Chop-chop he makee fly;
T'hat máta hear he sing-song,
How muchee dáta cly,
‘How Tartar-side he colo,’
How muchee nicee warm,
One dáta-chilo catchee
In-i-sy he máta arm.
Ai! wind he wailo 'way,
Ai! wind he wailo long,
An' bleeze blow ovely almon'-tlee,
An' cally a birdo song.
“He go top-sidee cow,
T'hat fashion Tartar-side,
T'hat no be plopa fashion
For Pili-kai to lide.


Supposee he lib homo,
So-fashion he look-see,
He lide fo' piecee horsey
In coachey galantee.
Ai! wind he wailo 'way,
Ai! wind he wailo long,
An' bleeze blow ovely almon'-tlee,
An' cally he birdo song.”
He máta talkee Pili:
He Pili open han',
He talkee, “No good fashion
Hab got in Tartar lan'.
Must make one China town,
Must makee for he kai;
Must makee Tartar-sidee,
An' he no makee cly.”
Ai! wind he wailo 'way,
Ai! wind he wailo long,
An' bleeze blow ovely almon'-tlee,
An' cally he birdo song.
He sendee muchee coolie,
He sendee smartee man,
He makee China city
In-i-sy t'hat Tartar lan'.


He kai catch plopa palace
An' coachey galantee,
No more hab makee cly cly.
My sing-song finishee.
Ai! wind he wailo 'way,
Ai! wind he wailo long,
An' bleeze blow ovely almon'-tlee,
An' cally he birdo song.

Daughter (unusual).

Cold country, i. e., Tartary.

In grief.

In-i-sy, inside; not in common use, but given in this form in Chinese vocabulary. In-sy is, however, sometimes heard.



Li, a Chinese mile.


Gold inside.

Máta, mother.

Kai, daughter (unusual, C. V.)

Plopa, proper.

Pay-chin, Pekin.


Inside, within, in.

Emperor's daughter.


She would appear thus.



The mother addressed the Emperor.


In Tartary.

And a fine coach.