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ALS, addressed to James Breckenridge, ViU:TJ, 4p [1715]; ALS, addressed to James
Madison, DLC:JM; polygraph copy, addressed to Breckenridge, Robert B. Taylor, and
Champman Johnson, DLC:TJ; polygraph copy, addressed to Madison, DLC:TJ; printed
(extract), O'Neal, "Michele and Giacomo Raggi at the University of Virginia," Magazine of
Albemarle County History
, 18:16-17; transcript (extract), #00-15 in Lasala, "Thomas
Jefferson's Designs for the University of Virginia." The word in angle brackets is mutilated
on the ALS addressed to Breckenridge, but clear on the polygraph copy addressed to Taylor,
Breckenridge, and Johnson. On that copy the second postscript was inserted within square
brackets by TJ after the copy was finished with the notation "P.S. added to Genl.
Breckenridge only." The second polygraph copy does not contain either postcript. See the
notes below for other major variations between the texts.