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Diana of George of Montemayor

Translated out of Spanish into English by Bartholomew Yong

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[Since thou to me wert so vnkinde]

[Since thou to me wert so vnkinde]

Since thou to me wert so vnkinde,
My selfe I neuer loued, For
I could not loue him in my minde,
Whom thou faire Mistresse dost abhor.
If viewing thee, I saw thee not,
And seeing thee I could not loue thee,
Dying, I should not liue (God wot)
Nor, liuing, should to anger moue thee.
But it is well that I doe finde
My life so full of torments: For
All kinde of ills doe fit his minde,
Whom thou (faire Mistresse) dost abhor.
In thy obliuion buried now
My death I haue before mine eies,
And heere to hate my selfe I vow
As (cruell) thou dost me despise:
Contented euer thou didst finde
Me with thy scornes, though neuer (for
To say the truth) I ioyed in minde,
After thou didst my loue abhor.