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holdings, 9
expansion of, in nineteenth century, 9
marginal land, 9 f.
1963 Census, 10
land ownership, 23 f.
role and rituals of the guardian spirits in,
268-71field spirits, 316 f.
myth of the rice spirit, 351-66
Alavaka (the demon), 204, 216
Anawrata, King, 27
Angkor, 25, 38, 252
Angulimala, the robber, 204, 216, 221
animism, 41, 263, 326 n.
Anuradhapura, 32, 174
arahats (ascetics), 42, 47-51, 210, 222, 324
Asoka, King, 33, 169 f., 176
asuras (demons), 38
Ayudhya, 25 f., 28-31, 77 f., 252
Baan Phraan Muan
the legend of Muan the hunter, 6
situation, 6-8
administration, 8
settlement pattern, 10 f.
social structure, 10, 14-23
age distributions, 12
household composition, 12-14
Baka, the Brahman, 204, 216
Bangkok, 25, 31, 110, 137, 150, 191, 254,
373Bodhgaya, 47
Borom, Khun, 29
Bowring Treaty, the, 9
Brahma, the god, 44, 60 f., 114, 356 f.
brahman, and bhikkhu, 64-6, 213
of the court, 74
code, 86, 89
compared with Thai paahm, 252-62, 375
Brahmins, 149, 193
Buddha, Gotama, 33 f., 42-7, 49 f., 51 f.,
61, 66, 72, 92-4, 107, 111, 113, 126,
158 f., 161 n., 166, 169 f., 170, 173 f.,
177, 196 f., 203 f., 210 f., 214, 216-18,
288, 301, 340 f., 357Buddha-to-be (bodhisattva), 38, 42, 46,
200, 219 f.:and kingship, 46, 48, 74,
253;Maitreya, 38, 43, 46-8, 61, 66,
94, 165, 177, 355, 357, 364;Pacceka,
66, 356-8
other Buddhas, 42 f., 48, 203, 217,
352 f., 357
Buddhagosa, 47, 92, 196
in Thai history, 26-30
Mahayana Buddhism, 26, 28, 48, 62,
199 f.Hinayana Buddhism, 27, 48
Pali Buddhism 27 f., 252, 371
Sinhalese Pali Buddhism, 27 f., 29, 32 f.,
265Theravada Buddhism, 29, 48, 62, 69, 74,
82, 97, 197, 199, 375doctrinal concepts, 34 f., 39-42
the anthropological approach, 41 f., 62
Burma, 25-8, 30 f., 35, 38, 41, 44, 46,
48, 51, 57, 62, 68, 74, 76, 90 f., 119,
175, 192 f., 253 f., 284, 325, 367, 374Upagotha in, 176-8
calendrical rites, 144-6, 152-68, 190, 267,
269-71, 285-311(in chronological order)
Songkran (New Year), 152-4, 293
Wisaka (birth of Buddha), 154
Khaw Phansa (entering Lent), 154, 155 f.
Bunbangfai (the rocket festival), 156,
286-94, 298, 300-4, 308-11, 348, 377Phansa or Vassa (Lent—the rain retreat),
28, 69-71, 103 f., 118, 125, 154-7, 205Bun Khaw Saak (merit with rice), 156
Org Phansa (end of Lent), 125, 126, 157,
160Bun Kathin (presentation of robes), 28,
157-60, 347Bun Phraawes (harvest festival), 61,
160-8, 289, 293, 300-4, 377
Cambodia, 25, 28 f., 31, 33, 38, 74, 119,
175, 252-4, 355, 367, 375Candima or Canada (the moon god), 221
Ceylon, 27 f., 31-5, 37-9, 44, 46, 48, 56,
60, 62, 67 f., 71, 73-6, 90, 93 f., 174,
192-4, 211, 252, 287, 355 f., 359, 367,
373, 375Chakri dynasty, 31
Chiengmai (Lan Na), 25, 27, 29 f., 119
Chinese, 20, 26 f.
Christian monks
compared with Buddhist, 87-9
morality and salvation, 95
Cincamanarika, 204, 216
Coorgs, 193
cosmology, 32-52
the planes of existence: kama loka,
36-9;rupa loka and arupa loka,
dagoba, the, 46
normal, involving mortuary rites, 22,
180-8, 339, 345, 347:chants in, 205 f.;
collection of bones, 186 f.;
183-6;funeral procession, 182 f;
of, 191-4;kinship participation
in, 189;laying out the corpse,
180-2;prasaat peueng, 186-8
the dead visit the living, 154, 156
abnormal, 179, 189 f., 313, 315 f.
transferring merit to the dead, 190 f.
death and spirits, 313-16
devas (the gods), 38-40, 43 f., 52, 202
Dharmasastras, the, 27
Dhrita-rashtra, 37
directions of the compass, symbolism of,
21, 180-3Dvaravati, 26
eclipse, myths of, 221
of village children, 11, 97 f.
examinations, 78, 80
of movices and monks, 120-8
uses of literacy, 129-34
Europeans, 31
exorcism, see spirits
Fa Ngum, 29
Franco-Siamese Treaty (1893), 31
Gandharvas (musicians in heaven), 37,
204Ganesh, 254
Garuda (the eagle), 173-5, 219 f., 238, 246,
255, 355, 359, 375ghosts, see spirits
gift-giving, 212-14, 347 f.
hearing without understanding, virtue of,
195 f.hierarchy
of generations in village life, 16-18,
189, 260of monks, 117;
monks and laymen, 142
Hinduism, 27 f., 38, 44, 62-5, 91, 95, 139,
173 f., 193 f., 213, 252, 255 f., 265,
324, 341, 355, 357, 368-72, 376houses
plan, 19
symbolism, 21-3, 181, 331
household rites, 206, 347
iddhi (siddhi), powers, 49 f.
India, Indians, 20, 26 f., 31, 63-5, 74,
169, 194, 213, 237, 252-4, 355 f., 359,
367-75Indonesia, 26, 374
Indra (the god), 37 f., 44, 60 f., 114, 166,
202, 238, 246, 253, 255, 357inheritance patterns (of land), 12
Islam, 138
Jains, 63, 86, 89 f.
Jambudvipa, 36
Jetavana, 202, 214
Kallar, the, 193
Ketu (the demon), 38
Khmers, 26-31, 119, 174 f., 252, 323, 355
King, Maung, 176
kingship, 46, 48, 74-80, 110, 253, 374
kinship terminology, 16 f., 189
Kublai Khan, 26
Kumbandas (monsters), 37, 204
Kuvera, 37
Lamphun, 26
languages and scripts, 26-30, 119, 121,
244, 254Pali, 122, 124 f., 128, 195-8, 349
Laos, 25, 28-31, 109 f., 114, 119, 287 f.,
367Lavo, 26
Loi Kratong, 169
Luang Phrabang (Muang Chawa), 25, 27,
29-31, 114luck, dispelling bad, 226
Maccadevi (the fish princess), legend of,
176Maha-dharmaraja, 77
Mahavihara, 32
Malwa, 193
Mara (the demon), 51 f., 158, 163, 169-71,
173, 176-8, 204, 210, 216 f., 239, 245,
302, 308, 353marriage
residence, 12
endogamy, 15
regulations, 17 f.
ceremony, 22 f.
sukhwan rites, 224, 227 f., 230-4, 237 f.:
text of, 245-8
practice of, 48, 133, 136, 257
chants for curing illness, 206-8
healing rituals, 226, 278-80, 283, 313,
327-36illness, 268, 271
387merit-making, 22, 39, 51-7, 99, 101-3,
106 f., 113, 122, 125, 143-51, 159 f.,
164, 170, 179, 182-4, 188-90, 195,
207, 210, 224, 239, 259, 261, 264, 290,
301, 314, 338 f., 345Meru, Mount, 36-8, 46
money-trees, 159, 165
monks (bhikkhu; phraa)
history of monkhood, 62-76
wandering life to settled life, 68-76
rules of conduct for, 81-92
dekwats (temple-boys), 97 f.
novices, 98-103, 116 f.
routine, 116-28
learning and education, 120-8
rewards, 129
monks and laymen, 129 f., 141-3,
209 n., 210 f., 376scholar-monks, 137-9
ceremonies of the: de-robing, 108 f.;
honouring, 109-15;
Kathina (distribution
of robes), 28, 70, 72, 75;Patimokkha (confessional), 69-73;
Pavarana (pardoning), 70;
pada (ordination), 69, 71-3, 97,
103-8;sukhwan rituals at, 227 f.,
234-6, 238 f., 244 f., 255, 289-91, 310
Mons, 26-8, 30, 119
mortuary rites, see death
Muchalinda (the snake god), 113, 173 f.
music in chants, 124
myth and rite, 304-9, 365 f.
Nagas (water serpents), 107, 111-13, 158,
169-75, 204, 216, 219 f., 238, 246,
255, 290 f., 295-304, 307 f., 355-7,
359, 364, 375Nalagiri (the elephant), 204
Nang Phrakosob (the rice spirit), myth of,
351-66Nang Thoranee (the earth goddess), 52,
60, 158, 163, 188, 340Napu village, 288 f., 309-11
nats, 38, 42
outsiders, 18, 20
oral tradition, 124
Parakrama Bahu I, 27
Phadaeng and Nang Ai, myth of, 294-300,
304, 308Pnom Penh, 25
Polonnaruwa, 28
pregnancy rites, 225, 227-9, 236-7, 239-41,
248-51, 321, 345Puranas, 27
Rahu (a demon), 38, 219, 221, 226
rain, 10
Nagas and, 172
stopping the rain, 178
rain-making, see calendrical rites;
Rama I, 77
Rama IV, 78 f.
Rama V, 79
Ramkamhaeng, king, 27 f., 119
reintegration ceremonies, 225, 227
relics, 44 f.
religion, the relationship between historical
and contemporary, 367-77religious writings
Pali Canon (Tripitaka), 27 f., 32-4, 43,
51, 57, 81, 93:Vinaya Pitaka, 33 f.,
47, 50, 64 f., 67, 69, 71 f., 81 f.,
88, 92, 116, 127 f., 143, 372, 375;Mahavagga, 65, 69 f., 73;
(rules of discipline), 33, 69-73, 81-3,
87-9, 118, 123, 128, 372, 375;Sutta
Pitaka (sermons and discourses), 33,
42, 44, 49-52, 64, 92-4, 116,
201, 372, 374;Jataka (stories), 33 f.,
44, 201, 208 f., 219, 372, 374;Mahachad, 161, 165-7, 205:
(commentary), 33
Traiphoom, by Phya Tak, 30, 35 f.
Buddhist Canons, the, 32
Questions of King Milinda, The (to
Nagasena), 33, 45, 65, 91, 93, 200 f.Trai bhumikatha, by King Lu'tai, 35
Book of Indra (laws), 39
Dhamma (doctrine), 44, 66 f., 72, 85,
117, 119, 127, 148, 166, 198, 202, 208,
210-12Upanishads, 63
Rule of St Benedict, The, 87-9
Pujavaliya (History of Offerings), 94
chants (paritta), 121-5, 182, 187, 195222,
347, 372, 376:Angulimala paritta,
221;Atanaitiya sutra (advice of the
Yakkha king), 203 f., 217;Candima
paritta, 221;Jayamangala gatha
(also suad chaya mongkhon—victory
blessing), 204, 206, 216;Karaniya
metra sutra (loving kindness), 203 f.,
215 f.,Khanda paritta, 220;
paritta, 217;Mangala sutra (also
suad mongkhon—auspicious things),
202, 205 f., 214 f., 294, 303, 310,
347;Mora paritta, 219;
Ratana sutra
388(The Jewel Discourse), 201-3;Suriya
paritta, 221
Bardo Thodol (The Tibetan Book of the
Dead), 194, 196Vedas, 200
Mahabharata, the, 213
rice, see agriculture
complexes, 337-40
distinctions in ritual offerings to supernaturals,
340-2functionaries, 343 f.
social participation in, 344-6
grammar of, 346-9
rules of conduct
for monks, 81-96
for laymen, 89-96
Saccaakarnigaranath, 204, 216
Sailendra dynasty, 26
Saivism, 26
Saman, 48
Sangha (the assembly of monks), 68, 72-81,
88, 90 f., 93, 97, 151, 171, 198, 202,
211 f., 302Shan States, 27
Siva, 254
Skanda, 48
phii, 38, 54, 57, 59, 60 f., 182 f., 186,
189, 191, 263-5, 274:guardian spirits
(Tapubaan and Chao Phau Phraa
Khao), 263-9, 285-94, 300-4, 312,
340-2, 346, 358;post harvest offerings
to, 269-71;swamp spirit (Chao Phau
Tong Khyang or Tapu Byng), 280-94,
307-8(see also Uppakrut): malevolent,
312-26, 340-2, 345, 355, 358;affliction
by nature spirits, 316-18;death and,
313-16;possession by, 318-26
ritual specialists concerned with, 271-8:
cham (intermediary), 274-6, 278-80,
282, 286, 291, 310, 312 f., 343 f.;female mediums, 282-4;
mau lek
(astrologer), 317;mau phii (intermediary),
313, 316;mau song
(diviner), 272-4, 312 f., 343 f.;mau
tham (medium and exorcist), 313,
318 f., 321-6 343;tiam (medium),
276-80, 282, 291, 310-13, 343 f.
exorcism, 277, 313, 332-6;
as a healing
ritual, 327-36, 341 f., 350, 376
ghosts (pretas), 38 f.
divine angels (thewada), 57, 59-61, 160,
162, 164 f., 231, 237, 254, 264 f., 273,
276, 301, 308, 313, 328, 334, 340 f.,
353, 358, 364souls (winjan), 54, 57-9, 179 f., 182,
185, 188, 191, 193, 206, 223, 243, 313,
339, 356;spirit esseence (khwan)
and sukhwan rites, 57-9, 105, 224-51,
254-60, 290, 310, 315, 317, 327,
335 f., 338-43, 345, 348-50, 355 f.,
358, 361-6
Sri, Dharmaraja, 27
Sri, King Kirti, 76
Srivijaya dynasty, 26
Sukhodaya, 77, 119
Sukhothai, 26-9
Sumatra, 26
swamps and rivers, myth of the origin of,
294-300, 304, 308Swanalok, 26
teed (sermons), 125 f., 161
Thai history, 25-32
Thaton, 27
Tissa, Cullapindatiya, 67
threshold ceremonies, 225, 228
Tusita (heaven), 38, 47, 61
Udorn, 6, 8, 30
Uppakrut (swamp spirit), 156, 160-3,
168-75, 205, 300-3, 307-9Upagotha in Burma, 176-8
see also spirits
Vaishnavism, 26
Vassa, see calendrical rites
Vessavana (king of the demons), 203 f.
Vietnamese, 20, 28, 355, 360
Virudhaka, 37
Virupaksha, 37, 351 f., 360
Vishnu, 173 f., 254
wat (monastery)
in the village, 10 f.
building a, 149-51
Wiangchan, 25, 28-31, 109
witchcraft, those accused of, 331-3,
words, magical power of, 195-8, 273, 277,
318, 323, 328, 330, 334, 349 f., 376yacca, yakkhas, Yakshas, 37 f., 203 f.
Yama, god of the dead, 51
Yunnan, 27
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