Cleomenes, the Spartan Heroe | ||
Soul of the Universe, and source of Life,
Immortal Apis, thou thrice Holy Fire,
Hear Ægypt's Vows and mine: if as we dream,
Ægyptian Earth Impregnated with Flame,
Sprung the first man;
Preserve thy Primitive Plantation here.
Then for my self, thy Type, and thy Vicegerent,
Rowl from my Loins a long Descent of Kings:
Mix'd of Cassandra's kindly blood and mine.
Mine be she only, and I only hers.
And when I shall resolve again to thee,
May she survive me, and be Queen of Ægypt:
Hear this, and firm it with some happy Omen.
[An Augury portending good Success arises from the Altar.
Apis be prais'd for this Auspicious Omen.
[Ptolo. bowing retires and seems pleas'd.
Great pow'r of Love! who spreadst thy gentle sire
Thro' humane Hearts, art every where Ador'd;
Accept these Vows, in shew to Apis paid,
And make his Altar thine: Hear not that wretch!
Because his Prayers were not address'd to thee;
Or only hear his last: that I may reign.
Make Cleomenes mine, and mine alone:
Give us a flight secure, a safe arrival;
And Crown our Wishes in each others Arms.
Hear this and firm it with some happy Omen.
[A bad Omen arises from the Flames of the Altar.
Avert this Omen, Apis.
Accurs'd be thou, Grass-eating fodder'd God!
Accurs'd thy Temple! more accurs'd thy Priests!
The Gods are theirs, not ours; and when we pray
For happy Omens, We their price must pay:
In vain at Shrines, th'ungiving suppliant stands;
This 'tis to make a Vow with Empty hands:
Fat Offrings are the Priesthoods only care;
They take the Money, and Heaven hears the Prayer.
Without a Bribe their Oracles are mute,
And their Instructed Gods refuse the suit.
[Exit Cass. in a fury, King and Attendants follow. Scene closes.
Cleomenes, the Spartan Heroe | ||