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At a Quarter Court for Virginia held on Wedensday in the forenoone the third of Iuly i622
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At a Quarter Court for Virginia
held on Wedensday in the forenoone
the third of Iuly


Sr Edwin Sandys.  mr Gibbs. 
mr Io: ffarrar.  mr Binge. 
mr Noch: ffarrar.  mr Gookin. 
mr Roberts.  mr Meuerell. 
mr Wrote.  mr Mellinge. 
mr Smith.  with diuers others. 
mr Caswell. 

The Court gaue order that a Receipt should be sealed for 47li 16s wch
the gentlemen and marriners had giuen to the East India Companie
to be imployed in layinge the foundac̃on of a Church in Virginia.

The Court thought fitt to make Capt: Martin Prin (the Captaine of
the Royall Iames) a freeman of the Companie and to giue him two
shares of land in reguard of the large contribuc̃on wch the gentlemen
and Marriners of that Shippe had giuen towardℯ good workℯ in Vir-
ginia whereof he was an especiall furtherer.

The Court thought fitt likewise to make mr Thomas Kerridge, (the
Com̃aunder of the East India ffleet that last came home) a freeman
and to giue him two shares of land in the same reguard.

The Court vnderstandinge that mr Robert Carles beinge a man that
had liued Twenty yeares in the West Indies and 16: yeares in the


East Indies beinge likewise verie skillfull in orderinge curinge and
plantinge of Rice Cotten-woole Sugar-Canes, Indico, Cassado, Rootℯ,
&c, of some whereof he had written a Treatise and besidℯ was in part
determined to goe himselfe to Virginia: It was thought fitt to bestowe
on him one share of land, old Aduenture and to make him a ffreeman.

The Court thought fitt also to make mr Swayne (Mr of the Hart that
last came ∥home∥ from the East Indies) a freeman and to giue him
one share of land.

The Court thought fitt likewise to make mr Sam: Seaward (of Oxford
Bachelor of Diuinity) a ffreeman, he in the rehersall sermon havinge
manifested a great zeale to the Plantation.

The Court likewise thought fitt to make mr Launce a ffreeman vnder-
standing that he was a continuall remembrancer of the Plantation in
his Prayers. [43]

The Court thought fitt to bestowe a freedome vpon mr Pemberton a
Minister of Godℯ word, intendinge forthwith to goe to Virginia and
there to imploye himselfe for the convertinge of the Infidellℯ.

Mrs Mary Tue Daughter of Hugh Crouch beinge the heire and Execu-
trix of Leiutenant ∥Richard∥ Crouch did sett and assigne ouer in this
Court i50 Acres of land, wch he said Leiutenant Crouch did bequeath
vnto her by the name of Mary Younge his Sister, wch land was for
three Servantℯ p̱sonall Aduentures, and lyes at Newports Newes, the
said land Shee assigned ouer to mr Daniell Gookin.

The said Mary Tue likewise assigned 100: acres of land wch lies in
Diggs his Hundred to Samuell Iordan of Charles Hundred gentleman.

There was read a Grant of 18 Shares of land of old Aduenture to Capt
Dan: Tucker, for three whereof he paid in ready money §after§ 12li
10s the other fifteen were giuen him for his good seruice by an order
of a Quarter Court.


These Patents followinge were read and compared and found
to be right and therefore recomended them to the Afternoones
Court for confirmac̃on.

The Lady Berkley 
mr Tho: Addison 
mr Edw: Iohnson  Aduenturers 
mr Edw: Palmer 
mr Wm ffelgate 
mr Fran: Pecke &c 
mr Iohn Harvy 
mr Iohn Pemberton 
mr Wm Rowsly  Planters 
mr Dan: Gookin 
mr Chris: Hillary 

The Court thought fitt to giue the Companies Seale to mr Clarke for
the two shares bestowed vpon him but not a Patent except he will
couenant to carry some persons.

The Lo: Cauendish  mr Caswell 
mr Gibbs  mr Smith & 
mr Wrote  The two Deputies 
are earnestly desired by the Court to treat with the Citty about the
Children that are to be sent this yeare to Virginia and to make the
best bargaine for them they can. [44]

The Court haue likewise thought fitt that mr Pountice formerly ap-
pointed Vice admirall in Virginia haue 6 of the said Children sent
him this yeare to be placed vpon the Landes belonginge to his said
office and 6: the next yeare.

The placeinge and entertainement of mr Copland in Virginia being
referred by the former Court to the considerac̃on of a Com̃ittee they
hauinge accordingly aduised about it did nowe make report of what
they had donne therein as followeth (vizt).



  • ffirst they thought fitt that he be made Rector of the intended Col-
    ledge in Virginia for the conversion of the Infidellℯ and to haue the
    pastorall charge of the Colledge Tenantℯ about him.
  • 2

  • In reguard of his Rectorshippe to haue the Tenth part of the
    proffittℯ due to the Colledge out of their landℯ and arisinge from the
    labors of their Tenantℯ.
  • 3

  • In reguard of his pastorall charge to haue a personage there erected,
    according to their generall order for parsonages.

And for that it was nowe further moued that he might be admitted of
the Counsell there, it was referred to the former Com̃ittee to consider
thereof and of some other thingℯ propounded for his better accom̃o-
dac̃on there.

Vpon moc̃on that the Virginia Companie would please to make the
Right Honoble the Lo: Marquesse Hamilton free of this Companie
and of the Counsell in reguard of his Noble affecc̃on to this Planta-
c̃on; The Court most gladly assented therevnto.

Vpon the like moc̃on in the behalfe of Sr Edward Barkham the Lo:
Mayor of this Cittie and mr Henage ffinch Recorder, in reguard of
their well wishinge to this Plantac̃on and readines to doe the Com-
panie seruice this Court haue made them free ∥and∥ of the Counsell.

The like fauor in reguard of their worthines the Court hath af-
foorded to these followinge. vizt

  • Sr Edw: Conway.
  • Sr Tho: Couentry his Mats Atturny Generall.
  • Sr Hen: Mildmay mr of the Iewell howse.
  • Dor Io: Duñ Deane of Paules.

The Court haue agreed to recom̃end mr Hopkins Minister vnto the
Gouernor of Virginia in respect of that good comendac̃on that mr
Edw: Allen hath giuen of him beinge desirous to goe and ∥ouer∥ at
his owne charge.


Two Billℯ of Aduenture vnder the Companies Seale were presented
to the Court, wch were not acknowledged in the Printed Booke, the
one of mr Robert Strutt for 50li the other of Iohn Strutt for 25li
both their names beinge lefte out of the said Booke. [45]

The like omission is found of mr Iohn Iolles whose Aduenture was

ffrancis Carter passed ouer 16 shares of land in Virginia to mr Edward
Palmer of the Middle Temple London esquire with allowance of the
Auditors and Approbac̃on of this Court: the said Shares beinge par-
cell of the later 40 Shares assigned vnto him from the Right Honoble
the Lady D'Lawarre.

Hee passed also one share of land more of the said parcell of Shares
vnto mr Edw: Butler gent̃.