University of Virginia Library


May Jove assist me to discharge the debt
Of kindness to my friends; and grant me yet
A further boon—revenge upon my foes!
With these accomplish'd, I could gladly close
My term of life—a fair requital made;
My friends rewarded, and my wrongs repaid.


Gratitude and revenge, before I die,
Might make me deem'd almost a Deity!
Yet hear, O mighty Jove, and grant my prayer!
Relieve me from affliction and despair!
O take my life, or grant me some redress,
Some foretaste of returning happiness!
Such is my state—I cannot yet descry
A chance of vengeance on mine enemy,
The rude despoilers of my property.
Whilst I, like to a scar'd and hunted hound,
That scarce escaping, trembling and half drown'd,
Crosses a gulley swelled with wintry rain,
Have crept ashore in feebleness and pain.
Yet my full wish—to drink their very blood—
Some power divine, that watches for my good,
May yet accomplish—soon may he fulfil
My righteous hope—my just and hearty will.