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For Undergraduates and Graduates.

Economics C1: The Growth of American Industry and Commerce:
Economics B1 or the equivalent, prerequisite.—Economic principles as illustrated
by American experience, with a study of the influence of economic
conditions upon American social and political development. The work is
mainly topical and the topics receiving chief emphasis vary from year to
year. Professor Page. Offered in alternate years with Economics C2.
Omitted in 1916-1917.

Economics C2: Public Finance, Money and Banking: Economics B1
or the equivalent, prerequisite.
—First and second terms: The general principles
of public finance, with a detailed investigation of state and local
taxation. Third term: The financial institutions and methods of the Federal
Government. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 11-12. Professor Page.

Government C1: Municipal Government: Government B1 or the equivalent,
—The causes and characteristics of urban growth and the
various forms of municipal government that have been tried in the United
States and in Europe, with special attention to the question of home rule,
the newer forms of city government, and problems of municipal administration.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 12-1. Cabell Hall. Adjunct Professor

Only one of the following courses will be given in 1916-1917.

Government C2: Recent State Constitutions: Government B1 or the
equivalent, prerequisite.
—The problems of reconstructing state government,
and the trend of constitutional development, with a study of the political
theories involved, such as the short ballot, the bi-cameral legislature, legislative
responsibility, budgetary control, suffrage qualifications, limitations
on legislative action, direct government, and judicial review. Monday,
Wednesday, Friday, 1-2. Cabell Hall. Adjunct Professor Rogers.

Government C3: Politics and Jurisprudence: Government B1 or the
equivalent, prerequisite.
—Various concepts of the state, of sovereignty, and
of political obligation, the reconciliation of government and liberty, and
principles of state interference; the nature, sources, and forms of law, its
philosophical and sociological aspects, and problems of social legislation.
This course is of especial value for those intending to take up the study of
law. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 1-2. Cabell Hall. Adjunct Professor