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His Divine Weekes And Workes with A Compleate Collectio[n] of all the other most delight-full Workes: Translated and written by yt famous Philomusus: Iosvah Sylvester

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TO THE Right-RIGHT HONORABLE Honoria, Wife of Iames, Lord Hay, Sole Daughter and Heire of Edvvard Lord Denny.

Equally bound, in humble Gratitude,
To Two deer Equals (to You equall Deer);
Vnable (yet) with Both at once to cleer,
Vwilling yet, with Either to be rude:
Faine would I craue to haue my Bond renewd,
For a more Happy, or more Hopefull Year,
When gratious Heav'n shall daign to set me freer
From old cold Cares, which keep my Muse vnmew'd.
Would You be pleas'd (Madame) to interpose
Your gentle breath, I would not doubt to speed:
Such vertue hath Your Vertue still with Those.
Therefore in Hope of Your kinde Help (at need)
This simple Pledge I Offer at Your Feet;
Altar of Loue, Where both Their Vowes do meet.
Your Honorable Vertue's humble Votarie, Iosvah Sylvester.