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Poems on Several Occasions

In Two Volumes. By Mr. Joseph Mitchell

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A Familiar Epistle, TO Major Richardson Pack,
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A Familiar Epistle, TO Major Richardson Pack,

With the following PASTORAL.

While You, dear Pack, for Court and Camp prepar'd,
With equal Skill an Hero and a Bard!
Advent'rous thro' the crowded Alley press,
With Pains unwearied and deserv'd Success;
From the sweet Scene I live alas! afar,
At Jauncy's Angel without Temple Bar,


Destin'd to suffer Pennance for my Crimes,
By Jobbing only thro' a Maze of Rhimes:
A fruitless Game! A Game that none shou'd chuse,
Who wants a Coach, although he has a Muse.
Yet, Pardon, Sir, the Rudeness of a Friend,
His rural Lays at such a Time to send:
A Time, when nought shou'd be receiv'd or sent,
But Transfers, Permits, Bills, and Money lent:
And, when from Alley-Avocations free,
You leisure have to think of Verse and me,
(At least when driving homewards Debonair,
In London Chariot, or Parisian Chair.)
Deign to peruse 'em with a gracious Eye—
But hide, O hide the Blunders you descry:
For as your Approbation is my Fame,
The Town will damn my Labours, if You blame.
August 2, 1720.