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by William Allingham
Allingham, William (1824-1889)
[Ad usum Scriptorum.]
[Though modest, as plainly her duty]
[Snort cares not for my writings. That's but fair]
[Why, Screwnose, feel thy coldness or thy gibe?]
[O bounce! O flea! how sharp you bite!]
[Great Critic Zed is rarely sweet of mood.]
[Arr does write books; and, to exalt his own]
[Scratch also writes; and if you can and do]
[On one man, Pinchley, hast thou made a keen]
[Descend from that high judgment-seat]
[Who may this be, comes lounging through the door]
[“Who wrote, tell me true]
[I've studied the Review; let me count my gains]
[Were once your Author underground]
[“Portrait of Peter Pallette by Himself,”]
[As to bribing a newspaper—that is absurd!]
[Ninny is nuisance enough; Dolt worse; but worst is the Blackguard.]
[Is Criticism of use? then, bless your eyes]
[Without feeling or humour, Witticisms,—]
[Though fools and rogues the name disgrace]
[Critics, good-bye! in peace your trade pursue!]
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[My Darling, you have no father or mother]
Darling, you have no father or mother;
My Sweet, you have neither sister nor brother;
You are yourself, and I am I,
And we love each other infinitely;
No one hath part in our life or love
But you and I and the Lord above.