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The works of Sr William Davenant

... Consisting of Those which were formerly Printed, and Those which he design'd for the Press: Now published Out of the Authors Originall Copies

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The Antimask of the Spirits.

1. Entry.

The fiery Spirits all in flames, and their Vizards of a Cholerick Complexion.

The Airy Spirits with sanguine vizards, their Garments and Caps all of feathers.

The Watery Spirits were all over wrought with scales, and had fishes heads and fins.

The Earthy Spirits had their garments wrought all over with leaveless trees and bushes, with Serpents an other little Animals here and there about them, and on their heads barren rocks.

2. Entry.

Brought in by the fiery Spirits, were debosht and quarrelling men with a loose Wench amongst them.


3. and 4. Entry.

Brought in by the Spirits of Ayr, were of amorous men and women in ridiculous habits and Alchimists.

5. Entry.

Brought in by the Spirits of Water, were drunken Dutch skippers.

6. Entry.

Brought in by the Spirits of Earth, were Witches, Userers, and Fools.

7. Entry.

Was of a Modern Divel, a sworn enemy of Poesie, Musick, and all ingenious Arts, but a great friend to murmuring, libelling, and all seeds of discord, attended by his factious followers; all which was exprest by their Habits and Dance.

After these was an entry of three Indians of quality, of Indamora's train in several strange habits, and their dance as strange.

A Persian Page comes leaping in.