University of Virginia Library


The following resolution, prepared at the request of the Board by the Committee on Resolutions,
of which Mr. Garnett is Chairman, was unanimously adopted.

Resolution Upon the Death of Edmund Schureman Campbell

In recording the death of Edmund Schureman Campbell, Professor of Art and Architecture,
the Rector and Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia desire to put on record their appreciation
of Mr. Campbell's services to the University, both in connection with the school of art and
architecture and as curator of the museum of fine arts, and also in connection with his assistance
and advice in the construction of new buildings and in the renovation and restoration of the old

After graduation at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology he became a student at the
Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. He joined the faculty of Carnegie Institute of Technology at Pittsburgh
and for ten years was in charge of the Department of Architecture in the Armour Institute of Technology
in Chicago; and then became dean of Beaux Arts Institute of Design in New York City. He joined
the faculty of the University of Virginia in 1927 and has been in charge of the School of Architecture
and professor of Art and Architecture, and curator of the museum of fine arts at this institution
since 1927. He was formerly a member of the Fine Arts Commission and State Examining Board for Architects
of Virginia and has been a member of the Williamsburg Advisory Board of Architects, and a member
of the Water Color Society of Virginia and of the Society of Architects, Aztec Society, and has served
his State and University well.