University of Virginia Library


The following resolution, prepared at the request of the Board by the Committee on Resolutions,
of which Mr. Garnett is Chairman, was unanimously adopted.

Resolution Upon the Retirement of Harry Clemons, Librarian

On the occasion of the retirement of Harry Clemons as librarian, the Rector and Visitors
of the University of Virginia desire to put on record their appreciation of his services to the University
and to the State.

After graduating at Wesleyan University, he served as Scribner fellow at Princeton University
and as Jacobus fellow of Princeton at Oxford University, England, and he also studied at the
School of Library Service at Columbia University. He began his library career as assistant in the
library at Wesleyan University. He also served as instructor in English at Princeton and as reference
librarian in the same institution; and as Professor of English in the University of Nanking, China,
where he served as librarian thirteen years. He became librarian at the University of Virginia in
1927 and all who have used that library can attest his efficiency, his courtesy and his kindness.

His public writings include "An Essay Towards a Bibliography of the Published Writings and
addresses of Woodrow Wilson", "The A.L.A. in Siberia"; "A Survey of Research Materials in Virginia Libraries",
and an edition of Lyly's "Euphues, the Anatomy of Wit, Euphues and his England."

Mr. Clemons retires with the good wishes of the faculty, students and the Board of Visitors
of the University of Virginia.