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The poems and translations of Sir Edward Sherburne (1616-1702)

excluding Seneca and Manilius Introduced and Annotated by F. J. Van Beeck

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[Lines on the Death of Sir Charles Lucas and Sir George Lisle, shot at Colchester on 28 August, 1648]

[Lines on the Death of Sir Charles Lucas and Sir George Lisle, shot at Colchester on 28 August, 1648]

Here lies a Lucas and a Lisle
Glory and shame of this our Isle.
The first in their brave Lives, all knew
The last in their sad deaths, was true.
(Though to their Murd'rers what was shame
Bee unto them eternall Fame.)
Whome since Heaven saw they knew so well
To guard an Earthly Cittadell,
Advanct to the Celestiall Towres


Inrowld among the heavenly Powres.
That to distrest Mortalitie
They now might Guardian Angells bee.