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Diana of George of Montemayor

Translated out of Spanish into English by Bartholomew Yong

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[Ah such an one I euer was, since that]
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[Ah such an one I euer was, since that]

Ah such an one I euer was, since that
My Shepherdesse so cruell I did see,
That now I knowe not who I am, nor what
My hap shall be, or shall become of mee.
I knowe right well that if I were a man,
Greefe had my life consumed long agoe:
And if a stone, I am most certaine then,
That dropping teares had melted me like snowe.
Marcelius is my name, who knowes not that?
And I am hers, since first I did her see,
That now I knowe not who I am, nor what
My hap shall be, or shall become of mee.