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The Daily Progress historical and industrial magazine

Charlottesville, Virginia, "The Athens of the South"
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A. G. Bennet.

A "tailor made" man, can be distinguished
from the "ready to wear"
fellow as easily as white from black.
There is always a style fit and set
about "made to order" garments that is
never attained in those of the other
description. Of the tailors in this city
Mr. A. G. Bennett enjoys a business
that is second to none and has a wide
reputation for ability in his art. His
store is located at 609 West Main street
and contains as fine an assortment of
imported and domestic woolens as are
to be found in this vicinity. Mr.
Bennett caters largely to the student
trade and has a large business from
that source. In addition to his tailoring
line he does all class of repair work,
cleaning etc. He has been engaged in
tailoring all his life, and is one of the
most expert fitters and cutters in the
country. Mr. Bennett keeps fully
abreast of the times and his work is
equal in style and fit to the finest
New York creations. He came to
this city five years ago and the
excellence of his work soon won
him a wide reputation, and his trade is


Page 31
constantly increasing. In fraternal
circles he is quite active being a member
of the Masons, and also of the Odd
Fellows. No man in the community
is more highly esteemed than he, and
his reputation as a fair and honest
man is an enviable one. It is a well

A. G. Bennet

known fact that a gentlemen who deals
with Mr. Bennett get better goods
and fit for their money than at any
other tailoring establishment in the