An Abridgeme[n]t of all the Canonical books of the olde Testament written in Sternholds meter by VV. Samuel |
I. |
II. |
III. |
IV. |
I. |
II. |
I. |
II. |
An Abridgeme[n]t of all the Canonical books of the olde Testament | ||
The first book of Samuel other wise called the first of the Kinges.
The first Chapiter.
A man two wiues had wedded tho,the one no children had:
She had suche wo she praid to God,
who sent to her a lad.
Elkanah was her husbands name,
and Hannah was shee hight:
And Samuel did shee call her sonne
whom shee to God had plight.
The ii. chapiter.
Begin did Hannah for to sing,and sang a goodly song:
The sonnes of Ely were vnthriftes
and did the people wrong.
Ely them did rebukte but small,
for whiche God did him chide:
He sent a man to tel him plain
his house should be destroyd.
The iii. chapiter.
Consumde was Elies sight away,and as he lay and slept:
who vnto Ely stept.
I call thee not it is the Lord,
doo thou to him obay:
And so hee did, and Ely knew,
on him what God did say.
The iiii. chapiter.
Doughtely fought the Israelitesyet were they put to flight:
The Philistian hoste twise bet thē down
and took their Ark by might.
The sonnes of Ely they were kild,
whiche when their father hard:
He fel out of his seat for wo,
and burst his neck backward.
The v. chapiter.
Early arose the Asdodits,their Dagon for to see:
The Ark of God twise thrue him down,
and bated his degree.
Stricken they were with Emerodes
the Ark made them ful wo:
From whence it came they did decree,
thither to let it go.
The vj. chapiter.
that home the Ark should wend:
With mise and arses made of golde,
so home they did it send
Two kine new milche did cary it
the right way home they went
The Bethsanites they it receiude,
for whiche they were all shent.
The vii. chapiter.
God willed Israel that they should,their Idols quite destroy:
By Samuels mouth and they confest
their sinnes to him on hie.
They willed Samuel for to pray,
the enemies they did fear:
They were destroyd & fought no more
the space of many a yeer.
The viii. chapiter.
How Samuels sonnes did wickedlythe people did it ming:
And not content of Samuel,
they did desire a king.
He them denide and axt the Lord
who did to them consent:
And bad him tel what he would doo,
when he one to them sent.
The ix. chapiter.
It came to passe that Saule Cis sonne,his Asses went to finde:
The Sear fondee he did inquire,
who tolde him all his minde.
Thy Asses they are found, and thou
the Israelites must guide:
He feasted him and on the morn,
he took him sole on side.
The x. chapiter.
Kisse did Samuel and anoint,then Saul to be their King:
And told him things which came to passe
as he afore did ming.
So Prophecy he did and tolde,
his vnckle halfe his hap:
The lot did fall to Saule as King,
And vnthriftes grudgd therat.
The xi. chapiter.
Lay siege to Iabes Nahas did,whiche was an Ammonite:
They did submit he sent them woord,
their eyes to thrust out quite.
Then seuen dayes respite they did take
then ayd lesse they would yeeld.
in winning of the feeld.
The xii. chapiter.
Mark my woords said Samuel then,your willes I haue obayed:
If I did wrong or taken bribe,
it shall again be paide.
How God had doon in time afore,
and would doo he them tolde:
With thunder and raine he feard all,
and sharply them controlde.
The xiii. chapiter.
Now Saule being king, he got him menagainst his foes to fight:
And when the hoste drue neer to Saule,
he did that was not right.
He offended God in dooing the thing
that Samuel should haue doon,
A Smith to make them tooles to fight,
in Israel had they none.
The xiiii. chapiter.
Ouer with one then Ionathas went,his signe was true they fled
When Saule it knew with all his men,
he folowd vpon the dead.
then die he should said Saule:
Ionathas eat and should haue dide,
the hoste denide it all.
The xv. chapiter.
Pointed was Saule of Gods owne, mouththe Amalakites to kil:
He disobayd the almightie Lord,
and folowd his foolishe wil.
Then Samuel shewd him how that God,
was sory he made him king:
Obedience more he looks to haue,
then any burnt offering.
Halfe Samuels first book ye haue had,
some say the first of Kings:
VVherin is shewd the meruaylous woorks,
of God in his dooings.
Of Dauids calling to be King,
Samuel did him noint:
It shalbe shewd you afterward,
the Chapters shall it point.
some say the first of Kings:
VVherin is shewd the meruaylous woorks,
of God in his dooings.
Of Dauids calling to be King,
Samuel did him noint:
It shalbe shewd you afterward,
the Chapters shall it point.
The xvi. Chapiter.
A point did God that Samuel shouldchuse Dauid to be King:
For fear of Saule he went in close,
and faind an offering.
an euil sprite came on Saule:
When Dauid came and plaid on harp,
the sprite went out of Saule.
The xvij. chapiter.
Boldly bragged Goliah thenon his great might and strengthe
None durst go out to cope with him,
til Dauid came at length,
Proffer he did to fight with him,
yet harnes had he none.
A sling he had and out he went,
and kild him with a stone.
The xviii. chapiter.
Come out did women and did singin ioy of enemies fall:
They sang, ten thousand Dauid slue,
a thousand slain of Saule.
Then Saule deuised Dauids death,
yet scapte he with his life:
To haue his death, Michol he gaue,
to be his spoused wife.
The xix. chapiter.
Deuise did Saul stil Dauids death,for all the othe he sware:
he thrue at him a spear:
Then in his house he had been slain,
but Michol causd him flee:
And they him sought, Saule and his men
began to prophecy.
The xx. chapiter.
Eftsoones Dauid and Ionathas,compact their faiths in one:
If Saule him mist and were displeasd
he should knowe how to gon.
Then Saule fel out with Ionathas,
that void was Dauids place:
Then by a signe he gaue him woord,
to flee in any cace.
The xxi. chapiter.
Flee from Saule then Dauid did,to Ahimelech he came:
The sew bread suttely he obtaind,
but by was Sauls herdman.
The Philistians swoord he got also,
to Achis king he went:
He was afraid he faind him mad,
the King was not content.
The xxii. chapiter.
th' opprest to him did come:
He left his kinred with a King,
and went a way with some.
Doeg tolde of Abimelech,
for whom Saule sent and slue:
And all the house and Town also,
saue one that fled the crue.
The xxiii. chapiter.
Help did Dauid a Cittie bessegdReylah it was calld:
And Saule wel hopte to kil him there
it was a Cittie walld.
In a thicket he was betraid,
Saule thought him to haue spoild:
The streight was great Dauid was in
but Saule then home recoild.
The xxiiij. chapiter.
In daunger great was Saule the kingin caue so it did hap:
If Dauid would he had been slain,
he cut but his cote lap.
Then Dauid cride to Saule and said,
see what I might haue doon:
So Saule sware Dauid to be good,
to him in his kingdome.
The xxv. chapiter.
Knowe ye may of Samuels death,and Naball his sheep shearing:
Who angred Dauid very muche,
his churlishe part once hearing.
If Abigail had him not met,
they had then lost their life:
Immediatly the fool did die,
and Dauid had his wife.
The xxvi. chapiter.
Liyng a sleep in Abners tent,Saule lost his spear and cruse:
Whiche Dauid had and cride aloud,
and tolde it them as newes.
When Saule had heard all Dauids minde,
his fault he did confesse:
And knowledge Dauids reign as king,
and last he did him blesse.
The xxvii. chapiter.
Muche a doo had Dauid with Saule,therfore he fled the land:
And went to Achis King of Geth,
in the Philistian land.
He slue of them in rouing wise,
and left not one a liue:
who did his woords beleeue.
The xxviii. chapiter.
Now battaile begins between them botheand Saule to God did speak:
He had no woord of God again,
when he his minde did break.
A woman him raisd as he beleeued,
Samuel that then was dead:
Who tolde him plain he should be slain,
and Dauid set in his stede.
The xxix. chapiter.
Out went the heathen by their ranks,the Lords did Dauid spie:
They axt of Achis what he was,
who him extolde on hie.
But they were fumde and said plainly
he would doo them some lack:
And Achis tolde to Dauid all,
who early sent him back.
The xxx. chapiter.
Perished was the town with fire,where Dauids wiues did dwel:
And men and women led away,
then Dauid axt councel.
and home returnd again:
The spoiles was delt and presentes sent
the riches of the slain.
The xxxi. chapiter.
Quickly fled the Israelites,and gaue their foes the feeld:
Saules sonnes were slain at the same time
and Saule him self there kild.
His harnes and his body bothe
they hung them vp on hie:
His body and his sonnes were burnt
their bones layd at a tree.
This book the first is doon and past
at Saules death it dooth end:
The second next while it dooth last,
ye shall haue we intend.
at Saules death it dooth end:
The second next while it dooth last,
ye shall haue we intend.
The second book of Samuel other wise the second of the Kings.
The first Chapiter.
A yung man caried Dauid woord,that Saule in feeld was slain:
For making of a lie to him,
death had hee for his pain.
Then Dauid wept and mourned sore
for Saule and Ionathas death:
And sang a song all ful of wo,
that they had lost their breath.
The ii. chapiter.
Begin did Dauid then to reign,in Hebron kingd he first:
And Isboseth by Abners meanes,
anoint him Israel durst.
Then twelue & twelue so plaid in sporte,
that one eche other slue:
Tween bothe the houses for that part,
the battail gan to brue.
The iii. chapiter.
Company with a Concubine,made Abner to rebel:
to Dauid Israel.
When he was gone in peace away
by Ioab he returnd:
Who did him kil ful gilefully,
for whom the king sore mournd.
The iiii. chapiter.
Dampt was Israel with their king,when Abners death they heard:
Two of the heads slue Isboseth,
and had a right reward.
To Dauid they did bring his head
and hoped to haue thank:
As he that brought Saules death to him,
so had they for their prank.
The v. chapiter.
Eche sides were made now all in oneIuda and Israel:
And nointed Dauid once again,
who ruled them ful wel.
Hierusalem of Iebusites,
did Dauid win and take:
And battails twain he wan by might,
and made his foes to quake.
The vi. chapiter.
and Ozah God did strike:
Therfore with Obed it was left,
whiche made him wel to like.
When Dauid knew he fetcht it home
afore it he did daunce:
Michol mockt him and for her fee
no children was her chaunce.
The vii. chapiter.
God vnto Dauid did deny,a house for him to build:
Ishrowded not in Ceder trees,
but dwelt alwaies in feeld.
Thy sonne a house shall rear for me,
and reign for euermore:
Then Dauid wholy praisd the Lord
and thanked him therfore.
The viii. chapiter.
How Dauid vsde his enemies,and linde their liues and death:
The Assirians he did subdue,
and thousands lost their breath.
A forren King to him did yeeld,
and sent him giftes ful great:
He gaue them all to God and dooth,
his rulers names repeat.
The ix chapiter.
In memory came to Dauids minde,his vow to Ionathas made:
Ask he did if any were left,
that promise might be paid.
Miphiboseth was found and brought
to whom the king gaue land:
And set him at his bord alway
all this he did commaund.
The x. chapiter.
Know ye may of an heathen king,towards Dauid euil behaued:
Iust by their tailes he cut their coats
and halfe their beards he shaued.
With Dauids men this part he playd,
who did his deeds requite:
He did him foile with all his power
and put his ayd to flight.
The xi. chapiter.
Lust caused Dauid for to sin,with Bethsabe in deed:
Shee was with childe and then he sent,
for Vrias with speed.
And when he would not lie with her,
he sent him back again:
in place where he was slain.
The xii. chapiter.
Maruaylous angry was the Lord,with Dauid for this part:
When he it wist he did repent,
the deed with all his hart.
God him forgaue but yet the childe,
did die for this il thing:
Then next shee bare him Salomon,
who afterward was King.
The xiii. chapiter.
Now Thamar was a fair yung maid,and Ammon did her lust:
He faind him sick and had his wil
and from him did her thrust.
Then Absalon her brother deer,
did stil her from her cry:
And two yeer after causd him kild
and afterward did flee.
The xiiii. chapiter.
Ouer passid was Dauids fume,and Ioab wrought a feat:
By a woman for Absalon,
that home he might him get.
but would not yet him see:
Procured, Ioab spake for him,
then kist the king and he.
The xv. chapiter.
Pick so away the peoples hartesfrom Dauid did his sonne:
Rebel he did against the king,
this same was Absalon.
The King did flee for fear of him,
bare footed and did weep:
Yet had he spies that wrought for him
whose councel they did keep.
The xvi. chapiter.
Quietly passed he the hil,and Ziva brought him giftes
Whom Semei curst and he preferd,
God in his secreat driftes.
Then Husai the rebel sarud,
but he was Dauids spie:
And Absalon in open sight,
with Dauids wiues did lie.
The xvii. chapiter.
Refused was Ahithophel,his councel took no place:
and Dauid knew the cace.
Then Dauid fled but Ahithophel,
him self did hang for wo:
And diuers men brought Dauid food
their hunger mooued them so.
The xviii. chapiter.
So number Dauid did his menand set them out in ray:
And charge gaue Dauid for his sonne,
his life in him to stay.
But contrary the feeld once wun
Ioab did thrust him thorowe:
When Dauid wist, he took on so,
That ioy was turnd to sorowe.
The xix. chapiter.
To stay his sorow, Ioab went,and brought the king in sight:
Then did Israel ioy it muche,
and willed him his right.
Whole Iuda came as they were wilt
their king home for to bring:
And Israel was not wel content,
for dooing of that thing.
The xx. chapiter.
and Seba was his name:
He mooued Israel to rebel,
to get him self a fame.
Besiegd he was in Abel town,
they had been all as dead:
But that a woman found the meanes,
that cast out was his head.
The xxi. chapiter.
A plague then came of three deer yeeres,Saules kindred was the cause:
When his seauen sonnes were hanged vp
the death began to pause.
Of mightie men the chapter speakes
Philistians that were slain:
Their speares as big as weauers beames,
yet serued they as vain.
The xxii. chapiter.
Begin did Dauid then to sing,and sang a song of praise:
Extolling God for his great help
shewed to him alwaies.
He hath me kept and been my sheeld
and made my foes to fall:
Therfore thou liue and blest be thou
among the heathen all.
The xxiii. chapiter.
Christe by Dauid heer is tolde,his kingdome and his might:
And valiant men are then exprest,
the whiche for him did fight.
Eight hundreth men are slain of one
another withstood a feeld:
Three fetched water through an hoste,
the fourth made Lions yeeld.
The xxiiii. chapiter.
Dauid did then his people tel,and numbered then soon
And when he wist he did repent,
the deed that he had doon.
Plagde he should be and did require,
Pestilence to reign:
Threescore and ten thousands of men,
afore it seast were slain.
The second book of Kings is doon,
or Samuel as you wil:
The third shall come by God his grace,
and so foorth wil we stil.
Twentie and foure it hathe conteind,
and twentie and two the next:
In all these chapters ye shall finde,
the order of the text.
or Samuel as you wil:
The third shall come by God his grace,
and so foorth wil we stil.
Twentie and foure it hathe conteind,
and twentie and two the next:
In all these chapters ye shall finde,
the order of the text.
The third book of the Kings after the Latines, after the Hebrues the first of the Kings.
The first Chapiter.
As Dauid waxed olde he hada maid to keep him warm:
Adoniah did king him self,
he fearing then no harm.
By Nathans meanes was Salomon set,
and crownd in Dauids seat.
The noise once heard they fled for fear,
the head did him entreat.
The ii. chapiter.
Because that Dauid saw by agethat death approched neer:
His sonne he charged God to loue,
and him alone to fear.
As touching Ioab and Semei,
of them he tolde his wil:
Adoniah, Abiathar,
these foure came vnto il.
The iii. chapiter.
Communication had the Lord,with Salomon the King:
for wisdome did he ming.
The Lord it likte and gaue it him
and straight it was espied:
Two wemen straue about one childe,
and he the trothe out tried.
The iiii. chapiter.
Declard is then his rulers namesand caters for his boord:
The number of his bread and beef,
that dayly he did foord.
Three thousand prouerbs he did write,
a thousand songs and fiue:
Of beastes and foules, & wormes & fishe
he wrote of them beliue.
The v. chapiter.
Euen at that time the king of Tire,whiche Hiram hight by name:
He sent to Salomon when he heard,
of his great might and fame.
And then they two did ioyne in league,
the king of him had wood:
And Hiram did receiue again,
corne for his dayly food.
The vi. chapiter.
Ierusalem to build:
Ful costly woork he made of it,
and richely he it steld.
Two Cherubs did he make ful gay,
and coured them with golde:
Galaries did he rear also,
and all things as he would.
The vij. chapiter.
Go foorth did Salomon and did build,him self a goodly place:
And made two pillers wunderful
and cast they were of brasse.
A Sea also, and Lauers great,
with mickle things yet more:
Of golde and siluer vessels gay,
he made therof good store.
The viii. chapiter.
House did Salomon then the Ark,and set it in his place:
And prayed to God ful meruailously
for many a sundry cace.
He him besought for diuers things,
I would you red them all:
And offered great offerings,
as there perceiue ye shall.
The ix. Chapiter.
In talke was God with Salomon,and these woords he him tolde
If he and his would keep his law,
be in his house he would.
To Hiram gaue he Citties great,
the heathen tribute paid:
And thrise a yeer burnt sacrifice,
afore the Lord was laid.
The x. chapiter.
Knowledge then had a forren Queenof Salomons great fame:
And when shee had him proou'd and seen,
shee did confirm the same.
Golde was plentie in that time,
and also precious stones:
And Siluer was so plentie tho,
as in the street are stones.
The xi. chapiter.
Loue did Salomon concubineswhiche caused him to sin:
He serued Gods beside the Lord,
therfore said God to him:
I warned thee but all in vain,
thy kingdome shalbe rent.
ere to his graue he went.
The xii. chapiter.
Many men then did flock in one,Rehoboam to noint:
He answered them so churlishely,
they waid him not a point.
Ieroboam then did they chuse,
and him they made their King:
He made them calues and hil aulters,
and burnt thereon offring.
The xiii. chapiter.
Nothing abasht a Prophet tolde,the ruine of the aulter:
The King his hand was dryed vp,
and God did heal it after.
The Prophet then he did not keep
but brake the Lord his wil:
As he returnd for his reward,
a Lion did him kil.
The xiiii. chapiter.
Olde was Ahiah when he tolde,the Queen the kingdoms fall:
And of her Lord and sonne also,
and truthe he tolde her all.
of Iuda and Israel kings:
They died bothe then and their sonnes,
began in their diyngs.
The xv. chapiter.
Plaste was Abiam of Iuda King,a wicked man in deed:
His sonne Asa destroyd the stues,
when he did him succeed.
Nadab euil in Israel reignd,
and Baasa him did kil:
Ieroboams seed he rooted out,
and ruled the realm at wil.
The xvi. Chapiter.
Quenched was Baasa and his house,his stock of Zamri slain:
Amry was crownd and Zamri burnt,
him selfe besieged in pain.
When Amri of Thebni had his wil
then ruled he but not wel:
And Ahab his sonne more wicked thē he
who maried Iezabel.
The xvii. chapiter.
Rauens fed Eliah in the drought,until the riuer was dry:
as he did prophecy.
At Sareptha in a widdowes house,
he lay, and increast her food:
And liued her sonne when he was dead
so turn he did her mood.
The xviii. chapiter.
Searching for grasse Eliah met,with him that prophets hide
By him the King met Eliah,
so eche the other chide.
The preestes of Ball for all their noise
no fier could obtain:
But Eliah did and causd them kild,
and straight began the raine.
The xix. chapiter.
Uhen Iezabel him vowd to kil,from whom he fled for fear:
Then fortie dayes with little food
he went as dooth appeer.
At Oreb hil with God he spake,
two Kings he wild him noint:
Elizeus then in his roum,
a Prophet he did point.
The xx. chapiter.
against Samaria twise:
On hil or plain he was destroyd,
it was the Lords deuice.
But when that Israel peace did make
with that vngracious king:
The king had woord to be destroid,
and his realm for that thing.
The xxi. chapiter.
Ahab then sought a vine yard,of Naboth but in vain:
The wicked Queen hight Iezabel,
that causd him to be slain.
Possession when he went to take,
his death was tolde him iust:
The doges should lick vp bothe their bloodes
to teache them haue suche lust.
The xxii. chapiter.
Boldely so bad the Prophets false,Rameth besiegd to be:
But Micha did from them discent,
therfore to iayle went he.
As he had said Hahab was slain,
But Iudahs King was saued:
In Crownacles their actes are tolde,
how they them selues behaued.
The third of Kings after this text,
in order ye haue had:
And now the fourth with meeeter like,
to you it shalbe clad.
in order ye haue had:
And now the fourth with meeeter like,
to you it shalbe clad.
iiii. of Kings.
The first Chapiter.
Ahab his sonne, Ohoziahout of a windowe fel:
If he should scape to Belsebub,
he sent, he should him tel.
Eliah sent them back straight way,
to tel him he should die:
Two fifties burnt the third him brought
but he nought did denie.
The ii. chapiter.
Before Eliah was taken vp,he parted Iordane brook:
Elizeus had double spirite,
and vp his mantel took.
The brook with it he did deuide,
and made the waters sweet:
The boyes with beares they were destroyd
for mocking it was feet.
The iii. chapiter.
Custome then a King denide,of paying his Lambes and sheep:
To Iehoram, who with two Kings,
against him went to fight.
Elizeus water helpt them to,
and made their iourney good:
The Edomites were far deceiued,
the water lookt like blood.
The iiii. chapiter.
Detted was a widdowe sore,her oyl was muche increast:
A woman a childe had and it died,
the prophet her pain releast.
Colloquintida in the potage was put,
he made them sweet with meale.
He multiplyed the loues at ful,
and left an ouerdeal.
The v. chapiter.
Euilly plagued was Naaman,with leprosy in deed:
By aduice to Iury he went,
for help as he had need.
Although the King did fear him muche
the Prophet him did heal:
the sore had euery deal.
The vj. chapiter.
Ful lightly swam the Iron aboue,Elizeus made it so:
The Sirian king sent him to catche,
but wrongly they did go.
Samaria then was so besiegd,
that eat they did a childe:
The King was bent the prophet to kil,
but yet he was begilde.
The vii. Chapiter.
Good cheap of things the prophet tolde,the next day for to haue:
A certain Lord denied the same,
for whiche his life he gaue.
The Sirians fled with noyes they heard,
God made them so afraid:
The cheap was had and he did die,
of whom afore was said.
The viii. chapiter.
How vij. yeeres dearth should come & falla woman had it tolde:
And Benhadab dead then Hazael,
to King he durst be bolde.
of Iuda he was king:
Ohoziah did him sucseed,
bothe these were euil raigning.
The ix. chapiter.
Iehu is then annointed King,on Israel to reign:
The Kings of Iuda and Israel,
by him they were bothe slain
Then Iezabel in best aray,
out of windowe was throwne:
The Dogs her eat then was Gods way
ful iustly on her knowne.
The x. chapiter.
Kill did Iehue, Ahab his sonnes,whiche were three score and ten:
And all his stock and frutes also,
were killed quite vp then.
And all Balls preestes into Balls house,
by sleight he did them get:
They were all kild and Ball destroyd
this was his holy feat.
The xj. chapiter.
Like wise the sonnes of Ohoziah,Athalia made them slain:
ouer Iuda to reign.
Then Iehoas by the bishops mean,
was set in fathers seat:
His grandame shee was killed then,
suche measure did he meat.
The xii. Chapiter.
Muche prouision then was madethe temple to repair:
For costes and charges they not stuck
so it were mended fair.
And Hazael his hoste was stayed,
for comming to giue feeld:
Iehoas men with treason great,
their king they took and kild.
The xiii. chapiter.
Now the next king of Israel,whiche was Iehu his sonne:
The Sirian king did so him vexe,
that he was ouercome.
At Elizeus the King had hope,
while he was yet aliue:
He being dead, the dead him toucht
and straight he did reuiue.
The xiiii. chapiter.
that wickedly did reign:
The king whose father two did kil,
he causd them to be slain.
Their names, their yeeres, & noble deeds
the Crownacles doo tel:
That Iuda ruled and bare the stroke
also of Israel.
The xv. chapiter.
Paid was then a certain King,with Leprosie for sin:
And then to kil their kings apace
the traytours did begin.
Nine kings small while in Israel raignd
so spirde they to the crown:
But as they reignd with bloody hands
with blood so went they down.
The xvi. chapiter.
Quite against the law of God,king Ahaz burnt his sonne:
The king of Israel battail great,
against him then begun.
For ayd he sent to Assiria,
and it he did obtain:
An aulter straunge he causd to make,
Vriah took the pain.
The xvij. chapiter.
Rehearst is the captiuitie,that Israel came vntoo:
The Assirian king them led away
to teache them euil to doo.
O read the chapter I you pray,
and mark what sin dooth bring:
It is theffect of muche afore,
giue it therfore reading.
The xviii. chapiter.
So then the King Hezekiah,in Iuda ruled wel:
The brasen Serpent he burst down,
his foes found him ful fel.
Then Rabsakeh the Sirian Lord,
the Iewes he did defie:
In their knowen tung he spake aloud,
against the Lord on hie.
The xix. chapiter.
To Ezay sent the king to knoweif God would defend:
He had good comfort at his hand,
good tidings did he send.
The king did pray his prayer was heard
Senacheribs hoste was slain.
so was his brags in vain.
The xx. chapiter.
Unto the King he beeing sick:woord came that he should die:
He wept and prayd and fifteen yeer,
he had to liue perdie.
For shewing of his treasures great
to straungers, God him tolde:
To Babilon his seed should go,
with thraldoms many folde.
The xxi. chapiter.
And then Manasses in his reign:the Idols did restore:
And wrought suche euil and wickednes,
as none did him before.
Dreadful threats the Prophetes tolde
and Amon had his place:
His seruantes kild him and were kild
the people quit his cace.
The xxij. chapiter.
Begin to reign did Iosiah,when he was eight yeer olde:
At eyghteen yeer the book was found,
whiche made his hart ful colde.
the Lord almighties wil:
Shee sent him woord that he should se
no point of Iudahs il.
The xxiii. chapiter.
Call vp whole Iuda did the King,and read to them the law:
The smoky preestes and Idols all,
he burnt them vp like straw.
Their graues, their aulters and their groues
not one of them he left:
When he was kild his sonne did reign,
to Idols he him feft.
The xxiiii. chapiter.
Depart Iehoakim did and dide,his sonne did him sucseed:
Hierusalem besieged was,
ouercome it was in deed.
To Babilon then were they led,
all of them saue the poor:
And Zedechiah rose against,
the Babilonishe power.
The xxv. chapiter.
Egerly then frome Babilon,the king came with an hoste:
but yet at last they lost.
Zedechias sonnes were kild he saw,
the wicked did so rout:
The Town and Temple was destroid,
and then his eyes thrust out.
The last and fourth book of the Kings,
the second some it call:
Is gone and past with matters hard,
in meeter for to fall.
The Crownicles the douts shall mend,
God let vs liue therto:
And send vs grace to doo the thing,
that we intend to doo.
the second some it call:
Is gone and past with matters hard,
in meeter for to fall.
The Crownicles the douts shall mend,
God let vs liue therto:
And send vs grace to doo the thing,
that we intend to doo.
An Abridgeme[n]t of all the Canonical books of the olde Testament | ||