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Modern chivalry

containing the adventures of a captain, and Teague O'Regan, his servant

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Page 38


WERE it imposed upon me as a task, by some republic,
to educate a number of young persons to be orators,
in order to introduce a good taste for public speaking,
I would begin with the understanding. What? not with
the heart; it will be said. I take that to be the same
thing. For I know no difference between good sense,
and virtue, except that the one is the judgment of what
is virtuous, and the other the practice. I take a knave
and a fool to have only this difference, that the fool is a
knave in his transactions without meaning to be so; the
other intends it. Or, if this way of putting the argument
will not be understood, I say that every man who
knowing the right, intends the wrong, is not wise; that
is, a fool. Above all things, give me a good judgment
as the foundation of morals: and the communicating
knowledge is strengthening the judgment.

I admit that there is such a thing as being of a bad
stock; and the moral qualities are as communicable as
the physical constitution, or the features. Hence it is,
that I would look to the stock in the selection of subjects;
but still more to the physiognomy of the youth
himself. For I think it possible that Curran, who cannot
but have a good heart, yet may be of a germ from one of
the worst stock that ever trod the bogs. I should have
a great curiosity to trace his ancestry. I say, I cannot
think but that he must have a good heart; because it is
impossible for a cold heart to be warm; and a heart to be
warm that has not a love of virtue. His eloquence is to
me prima facie proof at least, that he is benevolent.

But pursuing my observations on the main point, I
say, to form an orator I would cultivate the understanding.
What is eloquence, but good sense expressed in
clear language. The vox, et preterea nihil; voice
without sense, is provoking. I grant that sound may do
a great deal; but it is but as the rushing wind. The effect
of a persuasive speech is like the moving force of
waters. The tide rises without noise; but the effect is

By the precepts of one whose experience has enabled
him to judge of these things, a bad habit may be prevented


Page 39
or corrected. But it is the application only that can confirm
the precepts. Hence it is that there is no forming an
orator, but when the attaining some object by the speaker
elicits his powers. A man that has his life at stake,
and what is next to this, has his daily bread to get by his
mouth, will not miss the thought, the word, the pathos
to accomplish his purpose. Hence it is that the bar is
the only school in our government for real eloquence.—
In the deliberate assemblies, the speaker is thinking of
his constituents, and is a slave sent forward to serve a
party founded at home. I would sooner drag a cart than
be a representative upon such conditions. Hence it is
that a man of talents has no prospect in a public body,
but to make himself unpopular; unless on some occasion
when the people are alarmed for themselves, and
party and intrigue is put down by the danger of the
occasion. It is thus in a storm, or other perils in life,
abilities are in request. At other times they are the object
of envy, and combination to bring down.

Application to any science, and the acquisition of
knowledge in general, is a drudgery in the first stages;
and hence it is natural for the youth to excuse himself;
and to hope that by the more easy exertion of his lungs,
and the blowing of his mouth, he can supply the defect
of thought. It is vexatious to the person who has laboured
to acquire knowledge, and has been led to depend
upon the effect of solid reasoning, to find that blustering
will go as far as it does; but it ought to be his consolation
and he will literally find it the fact, that of solid
talents, it may be said, as it is said of truth, great is the
force thereof, and it will prevail.

Magna est veritas, et prevalebit.

For solidity in mental talent is truth; and the appearance
of intellect where it is not, is the false.

One of the best things that I ever heard by a lawyer
to excuse himself to his client for having misled him in
defending, or bringing a suit, I forget which, where he
ought not; was, on the honest man saying, did you not tell
me I had the law on my side? And did I not tell the
court so too? said the lawyer. Did you? said the client.
Yes. The man could say no more. It would have
been unreasonable; especially as the advocate had made
as much noise as any one could reasonably expect in
asserting his conceptions. But had he been informed


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properly in his profession, his embarrassment might not
have occurred, nor his presence of mind rendered it necessary;
which, as it is what one cannot always command
it may be well to be without the necessity of it.—
Not that I mean to say, that any powers of intellect can
anticipate what may be the way of thinking of a court
and jury. There is such a thing as a by stander thinking
differently from both. But that in general the public
judgment, both as to merits of the cause, and the ability
of those who manage or dispose, goes according to the
truth. This is a consolation to the industrious; and the
diligent student who places his dependence on solid, not
on shewy qualifications.

At the same time, the garnishing is not to be neglected.
The voice is capable of formation in point of sweetness
as well as force. In point of sweetness, by diligent
attention, and lending the ear to those who speak musically;
in point of force, by exercise alone. It is as necessary
to observe the key at which to begin to speak, as
for a musician in singing; so that he may retain the command
of his voice under every passion to be expressed.
It is to be observed that reading well is a different talent
from speaking; and does not altogether depend upon
equal cultivation. I leave this to be accounted for; I
only repeat the fact.

Action is the last; the ancients thought not least advantage
of a speaker. That can be true only of the oratory
proper for a popular assembly. That must be extremely
guarded and chastised, that is used at the bar. For
the least suspicion in the minds of a jury, that the passions
are attempted, will excite distrust of even a good
argument, and injure it. At the same time, while human
nature is susceptible of the impressions of grace
and dignity, the manner of an orator must have a great
effect. Hence it is that I recommend even attention to
dress; not so much in the cloth, as in the fullness, and
flowing of the vestment, which appears to make the orator
loom more.

I have an impression of having treated upon these
particulars in the preceding pages, and that I may seem
to repeat. But if any one finds fault, I charge him home
with an expression of the scripture, “line upon line, precept
upon precept, here a little, and there a little.” It
may be said that some of my lines, and precepts, and
littles, may be pretty good; but that there is a great deal


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of trash. That this may be the case, I have acknowledged
heretofore. But would the more valuable be
read without the less? I applied to a hatter the other
day to make me a hat; and requested him to make me
one entirely of beaver, and not to mix racoon. The truth
is, I thought he would charge me as much for the one as
the other, and therefore I might as well have the best.—
But he informed me that a little racoon mixed with the
beaver would make a better hat than one all beaver. It
may be so with my book, which is calculated for all capacities;
and a mixture of images drawn from high and
low life, with painting serious and ludicrous, may conduce
to the being more read; and lasting longer in the
world. Or should it not be read, and that object fail, it
is amusing to one's self to indulge variety; to discumb
and to rise.