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Emblemes and Epigrames

Psal: Quum defecerit virtus mea, ne derelinquas me, Domine. [A.D. 1600, by Francis Thynne ... ]: Edited by F. J. Furnivall

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(65) Doinge nothinge.

(65) Doinge nothinge.

A Crabbed Cobler, and his slothfull wife,
which would not labour for to gett her meate,
from words to blowes did often fall at strife;
but as the husband did her feircelie beate,
this question shee did oftentimes repeate:
‘why doe you thus torment me in my life,
Since I haue nothinge said, nor nothinge donne?’
but he, continuinge still as he begun,
Said, ‘for that cause onelie he made his blowes soe rife.’