The Whole Works of William Browne of Tavistock ... Now first collected and edited, with a memoir of the poet, and notes, by W. Carew Hazlitt, of the Inner Temple |
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The Whole Works of William Browne | ||
As when a Mariner (accounted lost,)
Vpon the watry Desert long time tost,
In Summers parching heat, in Winters cold,
In tempests great, in dangers manifold:
Is by a fau'ring winde drawne vp the Mast,
Whence he descries his natiue soile at last:
For whose glad sight he gets the hatches vnder,
And to the Ocean tels his ioy in thunder,
(Shaking those Barnacles into the Sea,
At once, that in the wombe and cradle lay)
When sodainly the still inconstant winde
Masters before, that did attend behinde;
And growes so violent, that he is faine
Command the Pilot stand to Sea againe;
Lest want of Sea-roome in a Channell streight,
Or casting Anchor might cast o're his freight:
Vpon the watry Desert long time tost,
In Summers parching heat, in Winters cold,
In tempests great, in dangers manifold:
Is by a fau'ring winde drawne vp the Mast,
Whence he descries his natiue soile at last:
For whose glad sight he gets the hatches vnder,
And to the Ocean tels his ioy in thunder,
(Shaking those Barnacles into the Sea,
At once, that in the wombe and cradle lay)
Masters before, that did attend behinde;
And growes so violent, that he is faine
Command the Pilot stand to Sea againe;
Lest want of Sea-roome in a Channell streight,
Or casting Anchor might cast o're his freight:
The Whole Works of William Browne | ||