Female Poems On Several Occasions Written by Ephelia. The Second Edition, with large Additions |
First farewel to J. G.
Female Poems On Several Occasions | ||
First farewel to J. G.
Farewel my dearer half, joy of my heart,Heaven only knows how loth I am to part:
VVhole Months but hours seem, when you are here,
VVhen absent, every Minute is a Year:
Might I but always see thy charming Face,
I'de live on Racks, and wish no easier place.
Fate, me no longer with such Treasure trust.
I wou'd not tax you with Inconstancy,
Yet Strephon, you are not so kind as I:
No Interest, no nor Fate it self has pow'r
To tempt me from the Idol I adore:
But since you needs will go, may Africk be,
Kinder to you, than Europe is to me:
May all you meet and every thing you view
Give you such Transport as I met in you.
May no sad thoughts disturb your quiet mind,
Except you'l think of her you left behind.
Female Poems On Several Occasions | ||