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Flamma sine Fumo

or, poems without fictions. Hereunto are annexed the Causes, Symptoms, or Signes of several Diseases with their Cures, and also the diversity of Urines, with their Causes in Poetical measure. By R. W. [i.e. Rowland Watkyns]

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The Fountain
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The Fountain

O Fons, lucido splendidior vitro!

Here I do bathe my body, wash my face:
To cleanse my sins, I use the spring of grace.
This fountain from a stony rock doth flow,
Which teacheth me my Saviour Christ to know.
He is the Rock, from whence a vertuous spring
Proceeds to cleanse the beggar, and the King.
Herein a Chrystal cleerness doth appear,
Which teacheth me to keep my Conscience clear:
This little fountain from all mud is free,
When greater streams are dark and troubled be:
Secure content doth crown a mean estate,
When Honors are obscur'd by envious fate.
Here I do drink, and fear no poisonous charm;
Rich wine in golden cups contain more harm.
The running Fountain makes no sluggish stay,
But keeps its course, and travels night and day:
Nor will I spend my life as in a dream,
But labour to be active, as the stream
Here without grudge the traveller shall stay
And quench his thirst, although he nothing pay:


Which teacheth me to bind the bruised reed,
And give my cruse of oil to those that need.
This pleasant Spring unto the sea doth haste,
And spends both day and night, yet doth not waste:
My tears shall never cease my God to move,
Until they run into his sea of love.
The Fountain doth alone, and secret dwell,
Like some chaste Nun in a religious cell:
A private life, obscure, doth best agree
With my desires, from noise and tumults free.