University of Virginia Library


The following resolution was adopted:

  • RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the following persons shall receive the salary indicated:
  • Dr. Elia C. Dimitri, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, at an annual salary of [OMITTED] effective 1 September 1967.
  • Miss Mary A. MacDougall, Associate Professor of Education, at a session salary of [OMITTED] plus 20 per cent for summer work, or a total salary of [OMITTED] effective 1 November 1967.
  • Mr. Nathaniel F. G. Martin, Associate Professor of Mathematics, at a session salary of [OMITTED] effective 1 September 1968.
  • Mr. John T. Roberts, Assistant Professor of Hindi and Linguistics, at a session salary of [OMITTED], effective 1 September 1968.
  • Dr. William G. Thurman, Benjamin Armistead Shepherd Professor of Pediatrics, at an annual salary of [OMITTED] effective 1 January 1968.