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Du Bartas

His Divine Weekes And Workes with A Compleate Collectio[n] of all the other most delight-full Workes: Translated and written by yt famous Philomusus: Iosvah Sylvester

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Sonnet 27.

[Swell not in pride, O Paris (Princely Dame)]

Swell not in pride, O Paris (Princely Dame)
To be chiefe Citie, and thy Soueraines Throne:
Citie? nay modell of this totall Frame,
A mighty Kingdom of thy selfe alone.
The scourge that lately with paternall hand
For thine amendment did so mildely beat-thee,
If any more against thy Kings thou stand,
Shall proue that then God did but only threat-thee.
Wert thou a hundred thousand-fold more mighty,
Who in th'Olympike Court commands the thunders,
In his least wrath can wrack thee (most Almighty).
Thebes, Babel, Rome, those proud heav'n-daring wonders,
Lowe vnder ground in dust and ashes lie:
For earthly Kingdoms (euen as men) doe die.