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`Sukhwan' text recited at a wedding ceremony

Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammasambudahassa (three times). Sri,
sri, siddhi praporn.
[5] Flowers exude fragrant odour. Khun Kuan Chao and
Khun Nang Chao[6] have made the phakhwan [tiered structure made of
flowers for the khwan]. The phakhwan is surrounded by all who are
present. There are provided in abundance cotton strings, rings, beads,
necklaces, and food; also bowls of areca nut for chewing. Also flowers,
liquor, bananas, boiled rice, Bai Sri,[7] and eggs. The mighty ones (blessed
with ten powers) came down from the sky, wielding bows and arrows. Their
names are: Khun Sri [auspicious], Khun Pandh [bind together], Somsri
[beautiful], Sri Sawan [heaven]. All of them are very beautiful to behold.

Om siddhi chaya praporn. This is leap year, B.E. 2,505, the year of the
Tiger. The season of the year is winter. I'll wed Mr — and Miss —
in accordance with custom. The bowls of flowers are now being lifted to


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the level of the eyebrows. The saa [forgiving] bowls are being presented
to chao gotra [founders of the lineage]. The first-born daughter, the middle
ones, and the youngest one are of high price. The elders are here to wed
the couple according to their wish. It is of great merit to let a daughter
get married. Among those who are present here are grandfathers, grandmothers,
parents, old people, and young people who on your [couple's]
right and left sides are assisting the mau khwan.[8] Going round and round
(clockwise and also counter-clockwise) is a vessel of liquor. The older
people are sitting on the upper floor.

Now I should like to call upon the khwan of the beautiful bride to sit
beside the bridegroom, and the khwan of the bridegroom to sit beside the
bride. Now the khwan have arrived. They wear khoom foom [a kind of
flower] above the ears. The blooming flower, above the eyes, is kud kao
[a kind of fragrant flower].

On this auspicious day your khwan should return. Khwan of the shins
should return to the shins. Khwan of the legs should return to the legs.
All the khwan should return today.

On the far left is Chaya. He shows courage when he is among other
people. Everybody displayed signs of happiness while they were in the
procession. The procession was led by Garuda[9] and followed by Naga[10]
[Garuda was the head and Naga the tail of the procession]. The iron
posts of the palanquin are being guarded by Phii Luang [guardian spirit
of city], as described fully in the Dhamma. Thaen [Creator deity] has
destined you two to become husband and wife and to live a married life.

Now, I'll call upon khwan bakaen [young man, i.e. groom] to return
to the groom. The groom, being slim and slender, is just right for the
bride. Indra[11] in the heaven has sent him to live with his wife. May he
live 100 years. May he have many sons and daughters, but not as many
as 100,000. He already owns elephants, horses, and golden saddles.
Phraya Dham, the brave, who has power, has arranged for you to become
a husband. When the sun is going down, your khwan will return immediately.
The bride has already made a bedroom for you. She is waiting for you.
In the bedroom there are pha kasa [a kind of cloth], silk, lace, etc. Let the
khwan of the bride return, and also the khwan of the groom that is wandering
far away, please come back today. Khwan that is still following former


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lovers should also come back today. Khwan, please come and be adorned
with flowers and cosmetics. They have already got these things ready
for you. All the friends of the groom [baw] and of the bride [nang] are
looking forward to seeing you. Rumour has it that you are of great merit.
Please come and eat your breakfast placed in the phakhwan. Please come
and feed the couple with egg-rice according to old custom. The fortune
teller has already stated that today is a good day. So I'll wed this couple,
who will continue to preserve the family tree and inherit the family
wealth. When it is the 7th or 8th day of the lunar month they should
observe precepts. When it is the 14th or 15th day of the lunar month
they should always give food to the monks.

Decha chaya,[12] khwan of the eyebrows, should return to the eyebrows,
khwan of the eyes should return to the eyes today. Khwan of the cheek,
khwan of the chin, khwan of the waist, khwan of the breast should also
return at once. Please come and sit down around the phakhwan.

Today is a very auspicious day. Today is the beginning. They say the
old will be young again, the old people with white hair will become as
young as children; servants and the poor will be owners of wealth; during
sleep one will get 10,000 baht; when awakened one will get 100,000 baht; Phraa Chao will be given a good ring.

The groom's legs will be on top of the bride's legs; the barn will be
filled up with rice. All these will take place today. I'll perform sukhwan
for you for three days. May the husband's legs rub against the legs of
his wife. May the couple be happy and live joyous days and nights. May
they be humble towards each other.

As a son-in-law you should be broad-minded. Please do not complain.
If you want to drive away the chickens from the house you should say
`So'. If you want to drive away the dogs, you should say `Se'. If you
want to drive away the cattle you should say `Hue, Hue!' Please do not
disobey your relatives. Watch what you say. Don't be too critical of others.
Love your wife. As a daughter-in-law, you should love your husband.
Don't talk behind his back. Make merit. Listen to sermons. During the
dark moon nights please do not roam away from home. That low house
belongs to your ah [uncle or aunt].[13] The tall one belongs to phau [father].
The one connected with that corridor belongs to lung[14] [uncle] and pa[15]
[aunt]. The one with a wooden floor, a baked clay roof, Naga's head,
jars, and a horse[16] statue with beads will belong to you. Both of you should


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try to improve yourselves. You should make merit every wan phraa. When
you have meat, please give some to your aunt. When you have fish, please
give some to your grandmother. They love you very much. May you have
a very good son. Please listen to what your grandfather, grandmother,
father, and mother say to you. Be kind to your relatives. Your left eye
should not look to seek another man; your right eye should not look for
your old lover. You should cook in the morning and in the evening.
Don't get up late. You should make mag and ploo [betel nut] for your
husband, in the morning and in the evening. When you are married you
should do away with your former thoughts. Serve liquor in the small jar
to your servants. Serve liquor in the big jar to your superiors. That
would be good for you. You will have blessing from Phraa Indra. When
it is night-time you should be in bed and not anywhere else. Today it is
good for the two of you to share a pillow. Love each other and show goodwill
to each other. Chaya—chaya mangalang. May you live long and enjoy
good complexion, happiness, and power.


Sri = auspicious; praporn = best; siddhi = success.


These references are obscure, and probably say that the phakhwan has been made by
a noble couple.


This is the central ceremonial structure, also called phakhwan.


The officiant.


The mythical sky bird (see Chapter 10).


The serpent (see Chapter 10).


This is Indra, who in Buddhist Thailand is known as king of the Tavatinsa heaven,
the second of the six heavens. In cosmology there are six lower heavens. Tavatinsa means
heaven of thirty-two devas. Indra is dark in colour. It is said that, as a human being, he
was king and had a retinue of thirty-one assistants. Because they made great merit, Indra
became king of this heaven after his death and his retinue became devas.


Pali words meaning splendour, power.


Ah = father's younger sister or younger brother.


Lung = elder brother of father or mother or spouse of pa; pa = elder sister of
father or mother or spouse of lung.


Lung = elder brother of father or mother or spouse of pa; pa = elder sister of
father or mother or spouse of lung.


The horse is one of the seven treasures of the Chakravartin (world conqueror).