University of Virginia Library

But if our Medcine do but finde Success
We shal not want for what supplys wee Please,
For all Inventions Difficult and Hard
Do seldom Miss a competent Reward.
But if it should unluckyly miscary,
Wee shal not want at least things Necessary.
For tho we commonly set-up so soon,
T'is Hard to Get in Practice, or be known:
Until w' have long applyd t' Apothecarys,
Nurse-keepers, Coffy-houses, Ordinarys,
All Sorts of Greatmens Laquais, and valets,
Only to Bayt our Hooks, and Spread our Nets;
Are sometimes forcd to Practice in Compliance
To others Humors, Things below the Science;
Have Tricks to set Diseases Back, and Aches
To Nicks of Idler times, Like Finger-watches,
And Prorogations to give Present Ease,
T' Adjorn, But not Recover a Disease,
With other curious Arts enough to live
In such Deare times, but not Grow Rich and thrive,


Like that Physitian, who to get his fees,
Kept Store of Cats, to furnish him with Fleas;
That, when they bit the Ladys, Did him service,
To Pass for Sharpnes of the Bloud, and Scurvies:
Or He that held mens inward Fabrique lay
To Justify Anatomy, one way,
And that Mankind was made to none effect
But only for a Surgeon to Dissect.