University of Virginia Library



In Latin, navis means a ship, and cymba means a skiff,
And malus means the towering mast that is so tall and stiff;
Antennæ mean the sail-yards, and velum is a sail,
And lintea are streamers that flutter in the gale;
The keel is called carīna; and, Herbert you must learn,
That prora means the prow, and puppis means the stern;
The rudder's gubernaculum, and remus is an oar;
And nauta is a sailor, and remex is a rower:
A pilot's gubernātor, he guides the ship along,
And funis is a cable, which should be stout and strong.
Phasēlus is a pinnace, a little ship or bark:
That cornua are yard-arms, I pray you learn and mark;
And anchŏra's an anchor, and carbăsus a sail;
Naufragium is shipwreck, and flatus is a gale.