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The Odes and Epodon of Horace, In Five Books

Translated into English by J. H. [i.e. John Harington]

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Epod. V. Upon the Witch CANIDIA.

He feigns in Mirth, that being in love with Him, she would force him by Charm to come to Her; a noble Boy, for that end, starv'd by Her to Death; or Love to others.

You Gods, what-ere from Heaven the Earth
Ore-sway, rule men of Mortal birth;
What means this Tumult, why are thrown
Deadly Eyes on me alone?
By thine own Children, if to true
Births call'd LUCINA aided you,
By this vain Purple-garb more gay,
And displeased JOVE, I pray,


Why Step-dame-like dost view me round?
Or at some Whale, felt Launces wound?
When done these trembling Plaints, the Boy,
Stript of Honour'd Roabs and joy,
Stood tender Corps, whose naked sight
Barbarous Thracian soften might.
CANIDIA the Locks of whom
Seem'd Vipers wreath'd, unus'd to Comb,
Wild Fig-trees which from Graves did spring,
Funeral Cypress call'd to bring;
Eggs nointed with Frogs foulest Blood,
Nightly Screich-Owls Plumes, as good;
And what strange-Herbs Iolchos yields.
Or Iberia's poysonous Fields:
Snatcht bones from mouths of Dogs, when fasting,
Into Colchick fires casting.
When SAGAN, sprinkling strait the Floar.
With Waters from Averna's shoar,
Stiff-hair'd becomes most Hedghog like,
Or brisled Boars when runs to strike.
VEIA, whom Conscience nere could touch,
Faint through Labours groaning much
Dig'd with hard Spade a hole ith' ground:
That so the Boy, near bury'd round;
Food twice or thrice the Day set by,
Then with-drawn might starving Dy:
Since still his Mouth stood forth like those
Hang'd by th' Chin ith' water close;
That so his Marrow, Livour dry'd
Might Love-potion prove, apply'd;
After his Eys, on food untasted
Fixed still, grew languid, wasted.
That FOLIA the Witch was one,
Whose Manlike Lust toward Females known
Large quiet Naples with th' adjoin'd
Town did believe, nor Rumour coin'd:
Whose charm, Thessalian-voice doth even
Moon and Stars pluck down from Heaven:
Here fierce CANIDIA, biting hard
(Black-tooth'd) her Thumb, whose nail unpar'd,
What said she? said she not? O You,
My affairs which order, do,
Close Night and Moon of silence Queen
(Whilst these sacred acts have been)


Now present help, and 'gainst my Foe
Your wrathful Deities forth show:
Whilst dreadful Beasts in Lurking shades
Drowzy, sweet Repose invades:
Wench-fill'd Suburar's Dogs let bark
At that old Leacher in the dark,
When comes with Nard perfum'd, choice fine,
As ere made by hands of Mine
What's chanc'd? why fail those Poisons founded
By MEDÆA fierce, compounded?
With which of Creon's Daughter she
(Royal Whore) took Vengeance free;
When giving venom'd Robe did burn
That new Bride, to cinders turn:
Although nor Herb, nor pow'rful Root
On Cliffs escap'd my hand to do't:
He Sleeps (while charmed Bed daub'd o're)
With dull forgetfulness of Whore:
O vile! yet Varus rouz'd through Verse
That Witch more skillful did rehearse
Then walk'd by Potions strange unknown:
O, who oft-times must weep and groan;
Thou shalt run, fly to me, nor shall
Thy lost mind Marsian Spells recal.
Much stronger Cup I'l frame, produce,
And through scornful thee infuse;
Rather shall Skys sink down the Deep,
Th' Earth aloft her station keep,
Then thou not burn with Love-desires
Of me, like Brimstone in black Fires.
This spoke; the Boy not now asswag'd
Those impious Hags with Pray'rs, enrag'd;
But doubtful whence to break that hour
Silence thus forth did Curses pour:
Charms, though right, wrong confound, will not
Hinder your Humane course, Deaths lot:
I'l Curse you all, strong Execration
Proves repell'd by no oblation:
But when I'm gone, Death's wither'd Plant,
Like Midnight Fury you I'l haunt;
And scratch your Cheeks with ugly claws,
Ghostly Gods such vengeance cause:
Couching upon your anguish'd Hearts,
Whilst fear-frighted Rest departs:


The Croud shall stone you up and down,
Beastly'st Hags through-out the Town:
Wolves (last) Birds Exquiline each-where
Your unbury'd Limbs shall bear
Nor shall my Parents prove (surviv'd)
Of that joyful Sight depriv'd.