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For First-Year Men

Medical Examination and Physical Examination: Each first-year student
must present himself to the Examiners at the Memorial Gymnasium immediately
after completing his registration, for examination and classification.

Physical Exercise: Three hours per week for one year. Organized
class work in gymnastics, mass games, boxing, wrestling, basket ball, swimming
and track.


Page 196

Physical Education Hygiene: Three hours per week for one term. The
lectures treat of the gross anatomy of the body, physical functions and mechanism,
hygiene fundamentals of body, exercise, athletic training and technique of
competitive activities.

Tests: Physical efficiency test will be given at the beginning and the
end of the course. Swimming tests will be given to all first-year men at the
end of the spring term. A satisfactory grade is required in these tests to complete
the work.

Attendance Reports: (Note—Read the following regulations carefully.)

Absence with Dean's leave or University Physician's certificate must be reported
to the Gymnasium Office promptly.

All first-year men applying for athletic teams must report at the Gymnasium
Office to secure permit and be transferred on the attendance report.

All squad men must sign the daily attendance sheet before going to the field.
Sheets will be placed at a convenient place in the locker room.

Men released from the squad must report to the Gymnasium Office immediately.