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Female Poems On Several Occasions

Written by Ephelia. The Second Edition, with large Additions

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The Change or Miracle.

The Change or Miracle.

VVhat Miracles this childish God has wrought!
Things strange above belief! who wou'd have thought
My Temper cou'd be to this Tameness brought?
I, who the wanton Boy so long defi'd,
And his Fantastick Godhead did deride,
And laugh'd at Lovers with insulting Pride:


Now pale and faint, beneath his Altar lie,
Own him a great and glorious Deity,
And want the pitty that I did deny.
For my proud Victor does my Tears neglect,
Smiles at my Sighs, treats me with disrespect,
And if I do complain, with frowns I'm check't.
Though all I sue for, be the empty bliss
Of a kind Look, or at the most a Kiss,
Yet he's so cruel to deny me this.
Before my Passion struck my Reason blind,
Such Generosity dwelt in my mind,
I car'd for none, and yet to all was kind.
But now I tamely bend, and sue in vain,
To one that takes delight t'encrease my pain,
And proudly does Me, and my Love disdain.