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(44 BEDS)

Building Contracts  $699,295 
Architectural and Engineering Fees  19,213 
Architectural and Engineering Reimbursables  3,600 
Landscaping  8,200 
Work by Owner  100 
Preliminary Costs  5,000 
Owner's Project Costs  86,900 
Furnishings & Equipment by Owner  94,000 
Contingencies  43,056 
Total Project Costs  $959,364 
Project Cost Funded from Mining Royalties  $444,364 
Project Cost Funded from Revenue Bonds  $515,000 

Reappropriation for this project was included in the Revenue Bond Bill approved during the 1987 General Assembly Session. The Item No. is R-13; Project Code is 11883; and Title is Construction: Student Housing for 96. The University financed the construction with a Treasury Anticipation Loan and intends to repay this loan and permanently finance the project with proceeds from revenue bonds.

There will be no initial outlays other than those financed with revenue bond proceeds. Incremental Annual Operating Expenses for the 44 beds are estimated as follows:

Personal Services and Fringe Benefits  $ 7,800 
Contractual Services  4,500 
Supplies and Equipment  4,000 
Utilities  2,880 
Indirect Costs  720 
Total Operating Expenses  $19,900 

Student dormitory fees cover all operating expenditures and debt service and contribute to the reserve for renovation and repair of the facilities.

Project Costs, cont.

Revenues generated from this dormitory will be as follows:

44 Beds x $1260 x .98 (regular session)  $54,331 
44 Beds x $450 x .70 (summer session)  13,860 
Revenues Generated from 44 Beds  $68,191 
Annual Operating Expenditures for 44 Beds  19,900 
Net Available for Debt Service  $48,291 

The table above, together with the worksheets that follow, indicate that net revenue generated from this new housing facility will not be sufficient to cover the annual principal and interest payment of $62,016, plus 10 percent debt coverage. However, if one considers net revenue generated from the Clinch Valley College dormitory "system", there is sufficient revenue to service all debt without increasing the dorm fees now payed by students at the College.

It should be noted also that the data provided in the accompanying cash flow worksheets reflects net revenue generated by the dormitory system under "Other" revenue. That information is also provided in Attachment A. The bond indenture does not require a reserve fund payment; although as a matter of practice, Clinch Valley College budgets a minimum contribution of 5 percent of the revenue generated by dorm rents for major maintenance, renovation and repair of the facilities. This percentage is identified as "Reserve Contribution" on Attachment A.

Project Costs, cont.

Attachments B and C reflect individual debt payment schedules for existing facilities within the system. The first outstanding bond issue represented in the attachments is the 1973 Series B issue for $500,000 for the CVC Women's Dorm. At the present time, principal payments are made by HUD and interest payments are made from a sinking fund held at the state for this purpose. The balance in this fund as of August 31, 1987, was $31,000. At this time, Clinch Valley does not contribute to the sinking fund; but when the fund is depleted, Clinch Valley College will be responsible for interest payments on this issue. The average amount required over the next fifteen years for this obligation, therefore, would be approximately $17,700 annually.

The second outstanding bond issue represented in the attachments is the 1984 Series B issue for $515,000 for Phase I of the Student Housing for 96 construction. The average amount required for principal and interest payments over the next fifteen years for this obligation would be $56,250 annually. To conclude, the total requirement for existing debt service for the next fifteen years for completed dormitory facilities at Clinch Valley College would be approximately $73,950. This figure is identified in Attachment A as "Existing Debt Service."

The University of Virginia at Clinch Valley College hopes to demonstrate with this revised feasibility study that revenue from the dormitory system can support new bond issues without any significant impact on the fees charged to students.