University of Virginia Library

Epigram. 87. Uitia virtutis speciem induunt.

Vice thought it once her onely grace,
T'Immaske her selfe with vertues face,
Now shee abhorres those idle shifts,
And stands vpon her owne good gifts:
Knowing the worlds opinion
Hath made her the worlds Minion.
When Pride is counted Decency,
And Wrath reputed Ualiancy;
Enui's held for Emulation,
Sloth a life in Contemplation;
When all commend the Gluttony
Of Ægypts Queene and Antony;
And to be drunken once a weeke,
'Tis a Gentleman-like tricke,
Besides the wholesomenesse they vrge
O t'is Physicke, 'twill the body purge;
And Letchery; ô God forbid,
There should bee sinne in such a deed,
Why it breeds loue, begets delight,
Besides the world is peopled by't.
Dissembling and Hypocrisy,
Showes Wisedome, and showes Policy;
The world it selfe's turn'd Macheuill
In practising and praysing ill.
My selfe too, that can well become
A Romane when I am at Rome,
And otherwise when otherwhere
English, Scotch, Irish, whatsoe're;
Am willing sometime to traduce
To wanton sense my merry Muse,
Holding it foolish modesty

Idely still to talke of honesty;
And say I do write ribaldrous,
It is a vice held vertuous.