University of Virginia Library

Sir Thomas Browne, in an undated letter to Mr. Elias Ashmole (Works, ed. 1852, vol. III., p. 530) relating a conversation he had with Dr. Arthur Dee, goes on to say:— “I have heard the Dr. saye that hee lived in Bohemia with his father, both at Prague and other parts of Bohemia. The Prince or Count Rosenberg was their great patron, who delighted much in alchymie; I have often heard him affirme, and sometimes with oaths, that hee had seen projection made and trasmutation of pewter dishes and flaggons into sylver, which the goldsmiths at Prague bought of them. And that Count Rosenberg playd at quaits with silver quaits made by projection as before; that this transmutation was made by a powder they had, which was found in some old place, &c.”