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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;

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6812. POSTS (Western), France and.—

The question * * * proposed [by you],
“How far France considers herself as bound
to insist on the delivery of the posts”, would
infallibly produce another, “How far we consider
ourselves as guarantees of their American
possessions, and bound to enter into any future
war in which these may be attacked”? The
words of the treaty of alliance seem to be
without ambiguity on either head, yet I should
be afraid to commit Congress by answering
without authority. I will endeavor on my return
[from London to Paris] to sound the
opinion of the minister, if possible without exposing
myself to the other question. Should
anything forcible be meditated on these posts,
it would possibly be thought prudent, previously,
to ask the good offices of France to obtain
their delivery. In this case, they would probably
say, we must first execute the treaty on
our part by repealing all acts which have contravened
it. Now this measure, if there be any
candor in the court of London, would suffice
to obtain a delivery of the posts from them
without the mediation of any third power.
However, if this mediation should be finally
needed, I see no reason to doubt our obtaining
it, and still less to question its omnipotent influence
on the British court.—
To John Jay. Washington ed. i, 539. Ford ed., iv, 200.
(L. March. 1786)