5703. NATURE, Classifications.—
formed one classification on such lines of division
as struck him most favorably; Klein
adopted another; Brisson a third, and other
naturalists other designations, till Linnæus appeared.
Fortunately for science, he conceived
in the three kingdoms of nature, modes of
classification which obtained the approbation
of the learned of all nations. This system was
accordingly adopted by all, and united all in a
general language. It offered the three great
desiderata; First, of aiding the memory to retain
a knowledge of the productions of nature.
Secondly, of rallying all to the same names for
the same objects, so that they could communicate
understandingly on them. And, thirdly,
of enabling them, when a subject was first presented,
to trace it by its character up to the
conventional name by which it was agreed to
be called. This classification was indeed liable
to the imperfection of bringing into the same
group individuals which, though resembling in
the characteristics adopted by the author for
his classification, yet have strong marks of dissimilitude
in other respects. But to this objection
every mode of classification must be liable,
because the plan of creation is inscrutable
to our limited faculties. Nature has not arranged
her productions on a single and direct
line. They branch at every step, and in every
direction, and he who attempts to reduce them
into departments, is left to do it by the lines of
his own fancy. The objection of bringing together
what are disparata in nature, lies against
the classifications of Blumenbach and of Cuvier,
as well as that of Linnæus, and must forever
lie against all.—
To Dr. John Manners. Washington ed. vi, 320.