University of Virginia Library

From the east, a road leads here.

Ha'óó'áͅshíͅ, koyá 'á'ítin.
Sáͅgish tsiiba' dzaͅaͅee beekooghaͅ.
'Áídá'tinee, jígonaa'áí bitł'óle díͅíͅgoyá beech'é'ítin.
Ts'is'ahnaagháí! Bik'ehgózhóní.
From the east, a road leads here.
Here the tipi is made of old age staffs [and] gray hair.[5]
Right at the door, roads made of the rays of the sun go out to the four directions.
Long life! Its power is good.
(41.4) Linguistic Notes

1. koyá 'á'ítin 'a road leads here'. koyá 'here'; 'here'; 'á'ítin 'road', cf. 'áńítin.

2. sáͅgish 'old age staffs'. sáͅ 'old age'; gish 'stick, cane'.

3. tsiiba' 'gray hair'. tsii- 'head', -ba' 'gray', cf. łi-ni-...- 'to be gray' [imp. neut intr.].

4. beekooghaͅ 'the tipi is made of'. bee- 'by means of it'; kooghaͅ 'tipi, dwelling'. This construction occurs quite commonly in the songs and prayers.

Ethnological Note 5
The substances of which the tipi is to be constructed--old age staffs and gray hair--refer to the purpose of the ceremony, to give Long life to the girl.