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41. Prayer When Building the Ceremonial Tipi, Chiricahua Apache Text

excerpted from Chiricahua Apache Texts, with Ethnological Notes

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Ethnological Notes Morris Opler

Ethnological Notes Morris Opler

Ethnological Note 1
Here the entire earth is likened to the main poles which constitute the framework of the ceremonial tipi. For the girl at the time of the ceremony, the ceremonial tipi is to be the whole world, cleansed and purified.
Ethnological Note 2
These lines, though said by the shaman, imply that the girl is speaking. She is to go to the ceremonial tipi referred to.
Ethnological Note 3
These lines refer to the girl in terms of the White Painted Woman. The adolescent girl is at the time of the ceremony called White Painted Woman. She is being re-created by the performance of the ceremony. Similarly, in paragraph 1, may be explained the reference to creation.
Ethnological Note 4
That is, everything under the tipi poles, each of which is referred to a cardinal direction, is sanctified.
Ethnological Note 5
The substances of which the tipi is to be constructed--old age staffs and gray hair--refer to the purpose of the ceremony, to give Long life to the girl.
Ethnological Note 6
That is, the strength of a woman and her ability to carry on tasks of womanhood is directly attributable to this ceremony.
Ethnological Note 7
That is, let the benefits of the ceremony continue throughout a long and fruitful life.
Ethnological Note 8
These sentences neatly mirror the Apache conception of changeless supernatural power and the desirability of manipulating it for personal benefits.
Ethnological Note 9
Here the term White Painted Woman is used to designate the mother of the culture hero and not the girl.
Ethnological Note Ethnological Note
That is, girls who go through this ceremony bear children as White Painted Woman did the culture hero, thus perpetuating the group.
Ethnological Note Ethnological Note
By conceiving the ceremony to take place in the midst of pollen, the holiest surroundings are given it.