University of Virginia Library

Mr. Jefferson's speech at his inauguration conveys to the mind of
every real friend to this Country much pleasure and satisfaction — The sen-
timents expreſsed in it are purely republican & federal; with ſuch
principals as a basis of conduct, and with ſuch ends in view Mr. Jefferson.
will meet the firm ſupport of every American whatever his opinions relative
to the administration of his predesceſsors may have been — it is truly a matter
of rejoicing to find in our chief Magistrate so extensive a spirit of recon-
ciliation; Settlement and it is Sincerely to be hoped, that, ſo long as he endeavours to main-
tain the true dignity and Interest of the American Nations — the friends
& ſupporters of the administration of his worthy predescessors will accom
pany him in his — with all that firmneſs and patriotism which has hereto-
fore ſo stronly marked their conduct for "We Are All Republicans
We are all Federalists" — — Millions — —