University of Virginia Library

The Subject in Art, (No. 1.)


John Lucas Tupper felt strongly that art education had degenerated to the point where those educated under the current system were unable to distinguish good art from bad. He called for the reform of art education throughout his career, particularly in his book Hiatus, or the Void in Modern Education (Macmillan, 1896). The first and third issues of The Germ provided Tupper with his first public outlet for these ideas, although, as William Michael Rossetti noted in the preface to the 1901 facsimile, Tupper's argument is somewhat murky:

Mr. Tupper was, for an artist, a man of unusually scientific mind; yet he was not, I think, distinguished by that power of orderly and progressive exposition which befits an argument(16).

WMR also issues a cautionary note in his preface that »The views expressed by Mr. Tupper in these two papers should be regarded as his own, and not by any means necessarily those upheld by the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood«(17).


Hero of Greek legend who lead the Argonauts on the quest for the Golden Fleece. Husband of Medea.


Centaurs and Lapithae
According to Greek legend, the half-man, half-horse centaurs of Thessaly disgraced themselves at the marriage feast of Hippodamia by being rude to the ladies present. The Lapithae, a people of Thessaly, defended the women by driving the centaurs out of country. Their battle is depicted on innumerable ancient Greek vases as well as on the Parthenon, the Theseum at Athens, and the Temple of Apollo at Bassae.



In Greek legend, Irus was a poor beggar who ran errands for Penelope's suitors when her husband Ulysses was presumed dead. When Ulysses returned home in beggar's garb, Irus challenged him, and was felled by a single blow from Ulysses. "As poor as Irus" is a proverb.


two triangles in Euclid

Euclid was a Greek mathematician who taught at Alexandria around 300 B.C. He developed Euclidian geometry in his Elements.


Jacques, Ferdinand, or Cordelia

Characters in Shakespeare's plays As You Like It, The Tempest, and King Lear, respectively.