University of Virginia Library

These images were not included in the in the Ticknor and Fields 1865 edition and were scanned from the Ticknor and Fields 1867 edition.



[Description: Second page of the list of illustrations. ]


[Description: Third page of the list of illustrations. ]


[Description: Fourth page of the list of illustrations. ]
illustration [Description: Illustration of Enoch in the ocean, reaching for a drowning person's arms. ]
illustration [Description: Illustration of Enoch and Annie sitting together on a hill. ]
illustration [Description: Illustration of Enoch, a baby in one arm and his other arm around Annie. ]
illustration [Description: Illustration of Annie sitting next to a cradle while Enoch works in the background. ]
illustration [Description: Illustration of several townspeople gathered in a group, gossiping. ]
illustration [Description: Illustration of a figure in the ocean holding onto some debris, surrounded by waves. ]
illustration [Description: Illustration of Enoch and his two ship-mates surrounded by the rocky face of a mountain. ]
illustration [Description: Illustration of Enoch sitting alone on the beach. ]
illustration [Description: Illustration of a hairy Enoch gesturing to two men on a boat. ]
illustration [Description: Illustration of Enoch walking along a road. ]
illustration [Description: Illustration of Enoch, on his knees, praying to his Saviour. ]
illustration [Description: Illustration of an angelic figure with one finger placed against his lips. ]
illustration [Description: Illustration of Enoch with his arms spread open toward a figure of Jesus. ]