University of Virginia Library

By Henry Harland
Author of “The Cardinal's Snuff Box”

A NOVEL which will fascinate by the grace and charm with which it is written, by the delightful characters that take part in it, and by the interest of the plot. The scene is laid in a magnificent Austrian castle in North Italy, and that serves as a background for the working out of a sparkling love-story between a heroine who is brilliant and beautiful and a hero who is quite her match in cleverness and wit. It is a book with all the daintiness and polish of Mr. Harland's former novels, and other virtues all its own.

Frontispiece in colors by Louis Loeb.

McClure, Phillips & Co.

By Stanley F. Weyman
Author of “A Gentleman of France”

GENEVA in the early days of the 17th century; a ruffling young theologue new to the city; a beautiful and innocent girl, suspected of witchcraft; a crafty scholar and metaphysician seeking to give over the city into the hands of the Savoyards; a stern and powerful syndic whom the scholar beguiles to betray his office by promises of an elixir which shall save him from his fatal illness; a brutal soldier of fortune; these are the elements of which Weyman has composed the most brilliant and thrilling of his romances. Claude Mercier, the student, seeing the plot in which the girl he loves is involved, yet helpless to divulge it, finds at last his opportunity when the treacherous men of Savoy are admitted within Geneva's walls, and in a night of whirlwind fighting saves the city by his courage and address. For fire and spirit there are few chapters in modern literature such as those which picture the splendid defence of Geneva, by the staid, churchly, heroic burghers, fighting in their own blood under the divided leadership of the fat Syndic, Baudichon, and the bandy-legged sailor, Jehan Brosse, winning the battle against the armed and armored forces of the invaders.

Illustrated by Solomon J. Solomon.

$1.50 McClure, Phillips & Co.

By Henry Seton Merriman
Author of “The Sowers,” etc.

THE story is set in those desperate days when the ebbing tide of Napoleon's fortunes swept Europe with desolation. Barlaseh—“Papa Barlasch of the Guard, Italy, Egypt, the Danube”— a veteran in the Little Corporal's service is the dominant figure of the story. Quartered on a distinguished family in the historic town of Dantzig, he gives his life to the romance of Desirée, the daughter of the family, and Louis d' Arragon, whose cousin she has married and parted with at the church door. Louis's search with Barlasch for the missing Charles gives an unforgettable picture of the terrible retreat from Russia; and as a companion picture there is the heroic defence of Dantzig by Rapp and his little army of sick and starving. At the last Barlasch, learning of the death of Charles, plans and executes the escape of Desirée from the beleaguered town to join Louis.

Illustrated by the Kinneys.

McClure, Phillips & Co.

By David Graham Phillips
Author of “Golden Fleece.”

A STUDY in the tyranny of wealth. James Galloway founds his fortune on a fraud. He ruins the man who has befriended him and steals away his business. Vast railroad operations next claim his attention. He becomes a bird of prey in the financial world. One by one he forsakes his principles; he becomes a hypocrite, posing, even to himself. With the degeneration of his moral character come domestic troubles. His wife grows to despise him. One of his sons becomes a spendthrift; the other a forger. His daughter, Helen, alone retains any affection for him. His attempts to force his family into the most exclusive circles subject him and them to mortifying rebuffs, for all his millions cannot overcome the ill-repute of his name. At last, with his hundred millions won, his house the finest in America, his name a name to conjure with in the financial world, he realizes that the goal he has reached was not worth the race. Still he clings to his old ways, and dies in a fit of anger, haggling over his daughter's dowry.

$1.50. McClure, Phillips & Co.

By Gelett Burgess and Will Irwin Authors of “The Picaroons” THE REIGN OF QUEEN ISYL

IN “The Reign of Queen Isyl” the authors have hit upon a new scheme in fiction. The book is both a novel and a collection of short stories. The main story deals with a carnival of flowers in a California city. Just before the coronation the Queen of the Fiesta disappears, and her Maid of Honor is crowned in her stead—Queen Isyl. There are plots and counterplots—half-mockery, half-earnest—beneath which the reader is tantalized by glimpses of the genuine mystery surrounding the real queen's disappearance.

Thus far the story differs from other novels only in the quaintly romantic atmosphere of modern chivalry. Its distinctive feature lies in the fact that in every chapter one of the characters relates an anecdote. Each anecdote is a short story of the liveliest and most amusing kind— complete in itself—yet each bears a vital relation to the main romance and its characters. The short stories are as unusual and striking as the novel of which they form a part.

$1.50 McClure, Phillips & Co.

By Lloyd Osbourne


LOVE fiddles both merrily and sadly in the stories that make up this book, but however he fiddles he makes the music for a sparkling, charmingly told love-episode. “All the world loves a lover,” and all the world has here choice from among a very wide and varied assortment of them—every one a human and real person—involved in an event which the author makes you feel is critically interesting.

McClure, Phillips & Co.
The end.