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The False Friend ; or, Assassin of the Rocks

A New Melo Dramatic Ballet of Action




Court of Justice.
Howard seated as Judge—Secretary at a table writing—Officers, Guards, &c. in attendance— Surge discovered in fetters—Mandeville, Fitzhugh, and Strongbow, in evidence, bear the purse, sword, and bloody scarf—Mandeville appears as his accuser —Spectators, &c. properly arranged.
That blood-stained sword, scarf, purse, strongly concur,
To prove yon savage wretch the Murderer!
Who, to conceal the crimes he now outbraves,
His Victim buried in the boundless waves.
We traced the blood—

Enter Julia distracted, attended by Rose—she looks sorrowfully on the blood-stained parapharnalia


that surrounds her, and shakes her head mournfully at Surge, who appears heart-broken; but suddenly starts up indignant, at Mandeville pointing him out as the Murderer of Horatio!—she shudders—kisses the scarf, and faints in the arms of her attendant.
'Till worn a wreck, I'm guiltless I'll repeat—
(Tho' I despise the sentence you are passing!)
I've sarv'd some Years on board a British Fleet!
But ne'er yet learn'd the trade of an Assassin!
Murder my Chief, 'tis likely that I should,
For whom I'd spill the last drop of my blood!

'Gainst evidence this is but idle prate!

'Tis but mere trifling, Sirs—pronounce his fate.

(Howard, &c. seem consulting, and apparently as if inclined to pronounce Surge guilty.—Zaluch enters slowly, but with looks of astonishment.)
Bless me!—your sarvant, Sirs! I'm giddy sure!

(Puts his hand to his Head.)
Their looks bespeak him lost, and us secure?

During this, Mandeville places his hand in his bosom, as if on the miniature; but suddenly with drawing it to congratulate Fitzhugh on the prospect of Surge's conviction, with his hand drags forth the miniature, which drops on the floor—Zaluch, eagerly, snatches it up—a pause—


Bless me! from whom dis fall upon de floor!
De Workmanship, I'll swear, I've seen before!
Where vas you buy dis, may I be so bold?

Mandeville, alarmed, secretly endeavours to bribe him with a purse.
Your pardon—Zaluch does not worship gold!
What your'e astonish'd, bless my heart dat's true!
You thought me villain—cause I vas a Jew!
Vell, vell— Mandeville lays his hand on his sword)
aye, threaten, actions should accord,

If gold wo'n't do, 'tis fit you use de sword!
But to de point—and dat you must explain!
Dis Picture, vhen and vhere vas you obtain?

(During this, Fitzhugh and Mandeville exchange intelligent glances, Mandeville refers him to Fitzhugh.)
Long since, in London, solemnly I swear!
“That precious bawble, singular as rare,”
Was, by his orders made—proof we can bring—

Vell, vell, if so—just touch de secret spring.

(Mandeville receives the picture, and endeavours, in vain, to find it.)
Vat! your hand trembles! (takes it)
you've not larn'd de trade!

Known but to me, and him for whom 'twas made!
(Touches the spring, it opens, and discovers the miniature of Horatio.)


What, does the object your poor sight offend?
'Tis but the Image of your murder'd Friend!
Murder'd by you! who, eager for such food!
Would glut your fury in more guiltless blood!

(The Characters here groupe—the rage of Mandeville subsiding in terror, but still by action he demands judgment on Surge.)
Who is it now that does his fate outbrave?

You axed for “Judgment,” judgment you shall have?
And tho' scarce mov'd, conviction you've withstood,
Behold a witness that will freeze your blood!

Horatio pale, and with his arm in a sling, enters, leaning on the Sailor Boy—Mandeville's terror is increased —Julia looks wildly on Horatio, and they affectionately embrace—each character, according to his situation and concomitant feelings, making one in an impressive groupe—a pause—Mandeville, with his sword, attempts to dispatch Horatio, whose life is preserved by Surge, and his sword wrested from him—Mandeville, seeing no way of escaping disgrace, draws suddenly a dagger, and, striking himself to the heart, falls lifeless into the arms of Fitzhugh and Strongbow, who are guarded off, bearing his remains.


Can I believe my eyes! can it be true—
His honour living!—is it, is it you?

(Horatio embraces him, he falls at his feet! then starts up joyfully—Alice rushes on and embraces him.)
Ah, Alice!—

—William!—I can hardly speak!
Dear! dear! I thought my poor, poor heart would break!

The Characters congratulate each other on the happy termination of their miseries, Julia bending in gratitude to Zaluch.
Heavens bless you Lady!—may your sufferings cease,
And all to come be happiness and peace.
And should these scenes again appear in view—

Cheer a poor guiltless Tar—

—And friendly Jew.

In the Journey of Life, ah! how varied the Scene,
The prospect now dark, and now bright;
Disappointment's dark cloud will too oft intervene,
And eclipse the fair face of delight.


But to grief bid adieu, to all anguish and care,
Peace and pleasure let reign in each breast;
To Love now has yielded the Monster Despair,
And Beauty and Virtue are bless'd.