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The Cordewaners

XXVIII. The Agony and the Betraya

[Scene III,


[Scene III,

The Garden of Gethsemane.]
Now will þis oure be neghand full nere,
That schall certefie all þe soth þat I haue saide,
[Go fecche forth þe freyke for his forfette].

All hayll, maistir in faith,/And felawes all in fere,
With grete gracious gretyng/On grounde be he graied.
I wolde aske you a kysse,/Maistir, and youre willes were,
For all my loue and my likyng/Is holy vppon ȝou layde.

Full hartely, Judas, haue it even here,
For with þis kissing is mans sone be-trayed.

i Mil.
Whe! stande, traytoure, I telle þe for tane.

Whe! do knyghtis, go falle on be-fore.

ii Mil.
Ȝis, maistir, moue þou nomore,
But lightly late vs allone.

[A light shines round Jesus.]
iii Mil.
Allas! we are loste, for leme of þis light.

Saye ȝe here, whome seke ȝe?/Do saye me, late see!

i Jud.
One Jesus of Nazareth/I hope þat he hight.

Be-holdis all hedirward, loo!/Here, I am hee!

i Mil.
Stande! dastarde, so darfely/Thy dede schall be dight,
I will no more be abasshed/For blenke of thy blee.

i Jud.
We, oute! I ame mased almost/In mayne and in myght.


ii Jud.
And I am ferde, be my feyth,/And fayne wolde I flee;
For such a siȝt haue I not sene.

iii Jud.
Þis leme it lemed so light,
I saugh neuer such a siȝt,
Me meruayles what it may mene.

Doo, whame seke ȝe all same, ȝitt I saye?

i Jud.
One Jesus of Nazareth,/Hym wolde we negh nowe.

And I am he sothly,/And þat schall I a-saie.

For þou schalte dye, dastard,/Sen þat it is þowe.

And I schall fande be my feythe þe for to flaye,
Here with a lusshe, lordayne, I schalle þe allowe.

[Cuts off his ear.
We! oute! all my deueres are done.

Nay, traytoure, but trewly I schall trappe þe I trowe.

Pees! Petir, I bidde þe,
Melle þe nor moue þe no more,
For witte þou wele, and my willis were,
I myght haue poure grete plente:
Of aungellis full many/To mustir my myght,
For-thy putte vppe þi swerde/Full goodely agayne,
For he þat takis vengeaunce/All rewlid schall be right,
With purgens and vengeaunce/Þat voydes in vayne.


Þou man þat is þus derede/And doulfully dyght,
Come hedir to me sauely,/And I schalle þe sayne,
In þe name of my fadir/Þat in heuene is most vpon hight,
Of thy hurtis be þou hole/In hyde and in hane.
Thurgh vertewe þi vaynes be at vayle.

What! ille hayle! I hope þat I be hole.
Nowe I schrewe hym þis tyme þat gyvis tale,
To touche þe for þi trauayle.

i Jud.
Do felaws be youre faithe/Late vs fange on in fere,
For I haue on þis hyne.

ii Mil.
And I haue a loke on hym nowe./Howe! felawes, drawe nere.

iii Mil.
Ȝis, by þe bonys þat þis bare,/Þis bourde schall he banne.

Euen like a theffe heneusly/Hurle ȝe me here,
I taught you in youre tempill,/Why toke ȝe me noȝt þanne?
Now haues mekenes on molde/All his power.

i Jud.
Do, do, laye youre handes/Be-lyue on þis lourdayne.

iii Jud.
We haue holde þis hauk in þi handis.

Whe! ȝis, felawes, be my faith he is fast!

iv Jud.
Vn-to sir Cayphas I wolde þat he past;
Fare-wele for I wisse we will wenden.

[They lead Jesus away.