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The Barkers

I. The Creation, and the Fall of Lucifer

[Scene III]


[Scene III]

Angelus cherubyn.
A! lorde, louid be thi name þat vs þis lighte lente,
Sen Lucifer oure ledar es lighted so lawe
For hys vnbuxumnes in bale to be brente,
Thi rightwysnes to rewarde on rowe.
Ilke warke eftyr is wroghte
Thorowe grace of þi mercyfull myghte,
The cause I se itt in syghte,
Wharefore to bale he es broghte.

Those foles for þaire fayre-hede in fantasyes fell,
And hade mayne of mighte þat marked þam and made þam,
For-thi efter þaire warkes were, in wo sall þai well,
For sum ar fallen into fylthe þat euermore sall fade þam,
And neuer sall haue grace for to gyrth þam.
So passande of power tham thoght þam,
Thai wolde noght me worschip þat wroghte þam,
For-þi sall my wreth euer go with þam.
Ande all that me wyrschippe sall wone here, i-wys,
For-thi more forthe of my warke wyrke nowe I will.
Syn than þer mighte es for-marryde þat mente all o-mys,
Euen to myne awne fygure þis blys to fulfyll,
Mankynde of moulde will I make;
But fyrste wille I fourme hym before,
All thyng that sall hym restore,
To whilke þat his talents will take.
Ande in my fyrste makyng to mustyr my mighte,
Sen erthe is vayne and voyde, and myrknes emel,
I byd in my blyssyng ȝhe aungels gyf lyghte
To þe erthe, for it faded when þe fendes fell.


In hell sall neuer myrknes be myssande,
Þe myrknes thus name I for nighte,
The day þat call I this lyghte.
My after warkes sall þai be wyssande;
Ande now in my blyssyng I twyne tham in two,
The nighte euen fro þe day, so þat thai mete neuer,
But ather in a kynde courese þaire gates for to go,
Bothe þe nighte and þe day, does dewly ȝhour deyuer.
To all I sall wirke be ȝhe wysshyng,
This day warke es done ilke a dele,
And all þis warke lykes me ryght wele,
And baynely I gyf it my blyssyng.
