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hic incipit Ascencio domini nostri cum maria et vndecim discipulis et duobus angelis sedentibus in albis et Jhesus dicit discipulis suis &c.
Pax vobis Amonge ȝow pes
bothe love and reste and charyte
Amonge All vertues lete it not ses
Ffor Amonge All vertues prynspal his he
ȝe be to blame I may wel preve
Ffor I wyl vse to ȝow wordys pleyn
þat ȝe be so hard of herte to be-leve
þat from deth to lyve I am resyn Ageyn
Not-with-stondynge As ȝe knowe serteyn
to ȝow viij sythys Aperyd haue I
be soundry tymes the trewth to seyn
and þis is þe ix tyme sothly
Evyn and no mo
but Now sum mete
A-non doth gete
Ffor I wyl Ete
with ȝow And goo


My dyscyplis here what I sey
And to my wourdys ȝevyth Attencion
From jerusalem loke ȝe go nott Awey
but mekely A-bydyth my fadyres promiscion
Off whiche be my mowth ȝe haue had informacion
whyll bodyly with ȝow I was dwellynge
Ffor johan Sothly ffor mannys Saluacion
Onlye in watyr was me baptysynge
but I ȝow be-hete
With-inne ffewe days þat ȝe
In þe holy goost xul baptyzid be
therfore rysyth up and ffolwyht me
On-to þe mownte of Olyvete.

Jacobus maior
O lord vowche-saff vs for to telle
Iff þou wylt now with-owte more delay
restoryn þe kyngdam of israell
And ȝeve vs þe joye lord þat lestyth Ay.

Serys þe tymes and þe monthis knowe ȝe ne may
whiche my fadyr hath put in his owyn power
but ȝe xul take with-in short day
of þe holy goost þe vertu cler
thorwe whiche xul ȝe
In jerusalem And in jury
And more ovyr Also in samary
And to ȝe worldys ende vttyrly
My wyttnes only be.
lovyth no wrath nor no wronge
but levyth in charyte with mylde stevyn
With myrthe and melody and Aungell songe
now I stey streyte ffrom ȝow to hevyn.

hic Ascendit ab oculis eorum et in celo cantent etcetera.
Returnyth ageyn to ȝour loggynge
to jerusalem ffor he wyl thus
his promys mekely þer Abydynge


Ffor dowteles þis forseyd jhesus
Whiche from ȝow is take
In a clowde As ȝe hym seyn
Steyng vp so xal comyn A-geyn
Of Al mankynde þis is serteyn
jugement xal he make.
O ȝe bretheryn Attendyth to me
And takyth good hede what I xal seyn
it be-hovyth þe scripture ffulfyllyd to be
þat of dauyd was seyd with wourdys pleyn
Of judas whiche was þe gyde serteyn
Of hem þat cryst slow cruelly
Which Aftyr ffrom deth ros vp ageyn
and hath abedyn in erthe fful days fourty
and Aftyr All this
Before oure eye
in A bryght skye
he dede up stye
to hevyn blys.
This seyd judas was Amonges us
noumbryd Apostyll and had lych dygnyte
but whan he be-trayd oure lord jhesus
he hynge hym-self vpon A tre
in whos sted muste nedys ordeyned be
A-nother oure noumbre ffor to restore
On of þo whiche As weel knowe we
han be conuersaunt here longe before
in oure company
Whiche xal wyttnes
berun expresse
to more and lesse
of crystys resurrexion stedfastly.